Israeli humanitarian aid continues

Israeli Humanitarian Aid to Gaza Continues

    Despite the constant rocket fire into Israel, the Kerem Shalom crossing remained open during Operation Protective Edge, providing food and essential supplies for the residents of the Gaza Strip.
  • icon_zoom.png
    Gaza Strip Land Crossings Activity Gaza Strip Land Crossings Activity Copyright: IDF Spokesperson
    Despite the constant fire into Israel, the Kerem Shalom crossing remained open during Operation Protective Edge and the flow of goods and fuel into the Gaza Strip continued.
    The Kerem Shalom crossing continues to operate with high security. The IDF acceded to the request of hundreds of Palestinians who hold foreign citizenship to leave the Gaza Strip. The Erez Crossing in northern Gaza also remains open to Palestinian pedestrians for humanitarian cases.

    At 12:30pm on August 10, a barrage of rockets struck inside the Kerem Shalom Crossing, forcing its temporary closure until workers can safely operate in the area.

    Only 34 of the 283 trucks that were scheduled were able to cross into Gaza, depriving the people of Gaza of:
    • 94 trucks of food
    • 20 trucks of bottled water and drinks
    • 16 trucks with humanitarian and medical supplies
    • 14 trucks of agricultural materials
    • 53 trucks of mixed goods (i.e. clothing, cleaning supplies, etc.)
    • 27 trucks of equipment and supplies for international organizations carrying food, medicines, water
    By firing rockets on Kerem Shalom on August 10, Hamas also prevented the entry of much-needed fuel to Gaza.

    On August 8, despite Hamas' resumption of rocket fire, 135 trucks carrying humanitarian aid entered the Gaza Strip.

    On August 7, the 72-hour humanitarian ceasefire was still in effect, facilitating movements, infrastructure repairs and damage assessments around Gaza.
    On August 7, 254 trucks carrying 4,718 tons of goods and supplies entered Gaza via the Kerem Shalom Crossing.
    Among the trucks that entered were:
    • 149 trucks carrying 3,129 tons of food
    •   13 trucks carrying 106 tons of medicine and medical supplies
    •   51 trucks carrying 407 tons of humanitarian supplies
    •     5 trucks carrying 51 tons of agricultural supplies

    On August 6, 236 trucks carrying 4,196 tons of goods and supplies entered Gaza via Kerem Shalom Crossing.

    Among the trucks that entered were:
    • 131 trucks carrying 2,526 tons of food
    •     5 trucks carrying 27 tons of medicine and medical supplies
    •   43 trucks carrying 313 tons of humanitarian supplies
    •     6 trucks with 110 tons of equipment to help repair infrastructure.
    •     1 truck carrying 7 tons of agricultural supplies
    A team of 22 doctors from the West Bank entered the Gaza Strip in order to assist current medical staff.

    On August 5, a 72-hour humanitarian ceasefire went into effect. This ceasefire is particularly important inorder to facilitate humanitarian efforts on the ground and enable an assessment of infrastructural damage. As a result of the ceasefire the largest number of trucks (243) entered Gaza since before the operation began, including five trucks carrying new ambulances and a donation of medicines and medical supplies via the Erez Crossing.

    On August 4, Israel established a center for coordinating the transfer of humanitarian aid - with the participation of international aid organizations - in order to streamline the process.

    Humanitarian aid to Gaza, July 19, 2014
      Humanitarian aid to Gaza
      Copyright: IDF Spokesperson
    Col. Grisha Yakubovich, Head of the Civil Coordination Department / COGAT, briefing Foreign Ambassadors in Israel on the humanitarian situation
    in the Gaza Strip - 31 July 2014
    Col. Grisha Yakubovich, Head of the Civil Coordination Department / COGAT, briefing Foreign Ambassadors in Israel
    Copyright: MFA free usage



    Since the beginning of Operation Protective Edge (8 July) 2,772 trucks have entered Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom crossing, carrying food, medicines and medical equipment.

    Since the beginning of the operation the following amounts were provided to the Palestinians via the Kerem Shalom crossing (data up to and including August 8):

    • 4.44 million liters of diesel for the power station in Gaza Strip, 1.04 million liters for UNRWA
    • 4.93 million liters of fuel
    • 2.22 million liters of gasoline for transportation
    • 2,676 tons of gas for domestic needs

    Erez Crossing:
    Since the beginning of the operation, 2,911 Palestinians have entered Israel from Gaza and 2,135 crossed from Israel into Gaza. A total of 188 ambulance transfers have been carried out through Erez since July 8. A total of 38 medical staff from Israel and the West Bank have entered Gaza over the past two weeks.
    Palestinian civilians transferred to ambulances at Erez Crossing
      Palestinian civilians transferred to ambulances at Erez Crossing
      Copyright: COGAT

    On Saturday, 19 July, since the Kerem Shalom Crossing was closed due to Hamas attacks, five trucks entered Gaza Strip via the Erez Crossing, carrying 100 tons of medicines and medical equipment (antibiotics, first aid kits etc.).

    Medical supplies enter Gaza, July 19, 2014
      Medical supplies Gaza enter Gaza, July 19, 2014
      Copyright: IDF Spokesperson

    Since the beginning of the operation, Israel has carried out 79 infrastructural repairs: 48 electrical repairs; 18 water supply repairs; 6 sewage repairs; 7 communication repairs.
    Repairs have often been delayed due to security threats and safety concerns for the workers.

    At 12:30pm on August 10, a barrage of rockets struck inside the Kerem Shalom Crossing, forcing its temporary closure until workers can safely operate in the area.

    At 10 am on August 1, despite the UN/US-backed humanitarian ceasefire which began at 8 am, rockets were fired at the Gaza periphery, including the Kerem Shalom Crossing for humanitarian aid to Gaza, which was closed due to rocket fire and the postponement of 14 scheduled repairs.
    August 1 - Hamas deprived Palestinian civilians of humanitarian aid

    Field hospital for wounded Palestinians from Gaza
    The IDF, in cooperation with  the Red Crescent, has opened a field hospital at the Erez Crossing, on the Gaza border, to treat wounded Palestinians from the Gaza Strip.  The field hospital contains an emergency room, lab, pharmacy, pediatric ward, ambulatory clinic, gynecology unit, family and internal medicine, and is equipped to treat dozens of patients.
    Since the field hospital opened on 20 July, doctors and staff have attended to 50 patients. Some have been treated and released, some treated and sent on for additional care at a hospital, and some sent immediately for hospital care. Unfortunately, Hamas has directly and indirectly prevented patients from arriving for care at the field hospital.
    Regional Medical Clinic for the People of Gaza
    IDF opens field hospital for Palestinians at Erez Crossing
    Palestinian receiving treatment at Israeli field hospital at Erez Crossing Palestinian receiving treatment at Israeli field hospital at Erez Crossing
     Copyright: IDF Spokesperson
