
Happy Hanukkah!


    Photo by David Goehrign​ (CC BY 2.0)

    This week, Jewish people in Israel and all around the world are celebrating Hanukkah, one of the major Jewish holidays. 

    "Today we combine my favorite American holiday, Thanksgiving, and my wife's favorite Jewish holiday, Hanukkah, wrote Ambassador Ron Dermer on Facebook Thursday​. "We'll see Halley's Comet 1000 times before Thanksgivukkah comes again. Happy holidays! Chag sameach!"


    ​Hanukkah lasts eight days and begins on the 25th of the Hebrew month of Kislev (November 27, 2013). Hanukkah marks a historic events that took place in the 2nd century BCE, when King Antiochus IV, tried to force the Jews in the Land of Israel to adopt certain customs that were against the laws of Judaism. the Jews, led by the Maccabees, the sons of Mattathias the high priest, revolted against the Greek Regime. In 164 BCE, under the leadership of Judah Maccabee, the revolt reached its climax with the liberation of Jerusalem from foreign rule, including the Holy Temple. 

    Holiday Customs​
    Candle lighting - Throughout the eight days of Hanukkah candles are lit in a 
    Hanukiah, a Menorah with eight branches in a row and an extra candle holder, called the shamash, from which the other candles are lit. On each night of Hanukkah an additional candle is lit, starting with one on the first night, two on the second, etc. The Hanukiah is placed on the window sill or in some other visible place. A short blessing is recited over the lighting of the candles, a ceremony in which children are included, and which is followed by the singing of Hanukkah songs.

    Jelly donuts (sufganiot) and potato latkes - Another Hanukkah custom is the eating of special foods, mainly those fried in oil, such as donuts and fritters.

    Spinning tops - children play with four-sided spinning tops, marked with the Hebrew initials of the words: Great Miracle Happened Here 

    Holiday Origin
    ​Unlike most of the major Jewish holidays, Hanukkah's origin is not in the Bible, but rather in events that happened later. This is a holiday that lasts eight days and begins on the 25th of the Hebrew month of Kislev (usually in December). 

    Hanukkah marks a historic event that took place in the Seleucid period, in the 2nd century BCE. A few of the Seleucid kings (the dynasty that followed Alexander the Great, and which was based in Syria) tried to force the Jews in the Land of Israel to adopt certain customs that were against the laws of Judaism. The worst decree was when King Antiochus IV ordered the installation of a statue in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

    In 167 BCE, the Jews revolted against the Greek Seleucid regime. A few of the leaders of the revolt, the Hasmoneans, or Maccabees, were the sons of Mattathias, the high priest. In 164 BCE, under the leadership of Judah Maccabee, the revolt reached its climax with the liberation of Jerusalem from foreign rule, including the Holy Temple. According to Jewish tradition, the holiday of Hanukkah was instituted by Judah Maccabee.

    The holiday lasts eight days, commemorating the celebrations marking the purification and rededication of the Holy Temple, and a miracle recorded in the traditions: When the Maccabees looked for holy oil to light the candelabrum in the Temple, they found only one small flask whose seal had not been broken and was therefore still pure. The oil in the flask was enough for only one day, but a miracle occurred and the oil burned of eight days. In addition to the element of heroism marked by this holiday, Hanukkah also has a motif of light against darkness, so Hanukkah is also called the Holiday of Lights.​
    ​​​​Video by the Maccabeats​​