FM Liberman on terror attacks 23 Oct 2014

FM Liberman on terror attacks

    The terror attacks which took place yesterday almost simultaneously at two sides of the world, Jerusalem and Ottawa, demonstrate again that terrorism is a worldwide epidemic that must be fought strenuously and without compromise.
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    Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman
    (Communicated by the Foreign Minister's Bureau)

    In response to yesterday's terror attacks in Jerusalem and Ottawa, Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman said:

    "The terror attacks which took place yesterday almost simultaneously at two sides of the world, Jerusalem and Ottawa, demonstrate again that terrorism is a worldwide epidemic that must be fought strenuously and without compromise.

    Terror is not the result of building in Jerusalem, Ottawa, New York, Madrid, London or Mombasa, but of the war of radical Islam against the Western world. We stand alongside our friends in Canada, who have demonstrated by their firm stand alongside Israel and again recently in joining the war against ISIS, that they will not give in to terror. Israel, too, will remain firm in the fight against terror and terrorists."