Deputy FM Hotovelys response regarding UNESCO's decision 13 October 2016

Deputy FM Hotovely's response regarding UNESCO's decision

    The Executive Board of UNESCO has disgraced its international mandate in this politicized and distorted resolution. ​​
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    Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely Copyright: MFA
    ​(Communicated by the Media Advisor to Deputy Minister Hotovely)
    Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Tzipi Hotovely's responded regarding today's (13 October) decision of UNESCO's Executive Board:
    "The Executive Board of UNESCO has disgraced its international mandate in this politicized and distorted resolution. The fact that more states abstained than supported the resolution underscores the deep reservations of many states with regard to this shameful resolution. The countries that supported this resolution have lent their voice to the lie propagated by the Palestinians that the Temple Mount is an exclusively Islamic site. This falsification of history is an affront to the ancient Jewish and Christian connections to Jerusalem."