Keren Cytter

Keren Cytter


    Keren Cytter, the first large-scale U.S. installation of the works of Israeli video-artist Keren Cytter, opened on Saturday, March 28 at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago.  The Consulate co-hosted a reception for special guests to preview the exhibition the Thursday prior to the opening.  In attendance were various friends and supporters of the Consulate, including Chicago-based Israeli artists Jan Tichy, Assaf Evron, Joanna Read (dancer), supporter Debbie Dresner, and other diplomatic corps.  Guests were able to preview the 9 videos, the collection of screenplays that were judged by the curator Naomi Beckwith to be the “Best of” and “Worst of” Keren Cytter (new publication by the MCA), and six of her large scale visual works.

    The artist gave a public lecture on Saturday, March 28, and the exhibition will be open through September at the MCA.