Salim Joubran eloadasa

Salim Joubran előadása

  •   “The Judicial Authority in Israel and the Role of the Supreme Court in a Democratic Society” - Corvinus Egyetemen
    Israeli Supreme Court Justice the Honourable Mr. Salim Joubran's lecture
    at the Corvinus University of Budapest

    Dear Friends and Colleagues,

    Corvinus University of Budapest and the Embassy of the State of Israel in Budapest cordially
    invite you
    to a public lecture given by

    his Honourable Salim Joubran,
    Supreme Court Justice of the State of Israel


    “The Judicial Authority in Israel and the Role of the Supreme Court in a Democratic Society”.

    Time: 10 May 2012 (Thursday), 18:40 – 20:00

    Place: Corvinus University of Budapest
    New Building

    Welcome to the lecture!
    Dr. Zsolt Rostoványi                                        Ilan Mor
                        Rector                                                Ambassador of Israel


