Mashav Courses in 2015

Mashav Courses in 2015

    ​The Agency for International Development Cooperation (Hebrew acronym: MASHAV) has been active throughout the developing world since the late 1950s, assisting countries to alleviate problems of hunger, disease, and poverty by means of technical training and technology transfer.

    Today, faced with growing technological challenges, MASHAV's programs encourage trainees to find their own solutions to problems and adapt them to their respective cultural and social values, economic potential, natural resources and regional priorities.
    Below is a list of the available courses for 2015. Kindly take note of the application deadlines:
    (Download the MASHAV Application form and on the course name to download the brochure for the course)



    1.International Training onAddressing the Urbanization Challenge 21 July-19 August  with deadline on 7th May, 2015

    2. Political Empowerment Of Women" in cooperation with UN-WOMEN Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO) August 24th – September 10th, 2015 with deadline on 1st July, 2015.

    3. Building Sustainable Communities: Leadership, Gender and the Environment 30 November-17 December  deadline 15th August, 2015.

    4.Agribusiness - A Tool for the Empowerment of Rural Women November 16th – December 9th, 2015 deadline is 15th September, 2015 

    4. Intensive Agriculture in Arid and Semi-Arid Environments 22 November-4 December deadline is 6th October, 2015.

    5..Professional Development for In-Service Teachers 24 November-16 December deadline is 13th October, 2015

     6. Protection of Children – Psychosocial Support and Wellbeing 30 November – 17 December deadline is 18th October, 2015