The Ambassador

Ambassador Michael Freeman




    Welcome to the Embassy of Israel's website. This is your access-point for communicating with the Embassy of Israel in Nigeria. This is also a window to Israel-Nigeria relations.


    It is my great honor to represent the State of Israel in the Federal Republic of Nigeria, humbly and respectfully, for the benefit and prosperity of both countries. I feel privileged to represent Israel in indispensable areas such as culture, the arts, the sciences, education and environment – values that all individuals, everywhere, hold dear – as well as security, defense, tourism, economy and innovation.


    Despite being a global leader in many endeavors, Israel is a small country approximately the size of Niger State. Israel is the only Jewish country in the world, with a population of 9 million people of whom Jews comprise around 80%. However, Israel is also the multiethnic and multicultural home to many Muslims, Christians, Druze and other minorities.

    My mission as the Ambassador, together with my excellent staff here at the Embassy, is to strengthen and further develop the diplomatic ties between our countries and their people.​​ 


    Ambassador Freeman will serve as Israel's ambassador to the Federal Republic of Nigeria as well as serving as the Permanent Representative of Israel to ECOWAS.

    Before arriving in Nigeria, Ambassador Freeman served as Policy advisor to Israeli Ministers of Foreign Affairs Lapid, Ashkenazi and Katz. He has also served in Israel's embassies in the UK and South Africa.

