
Nigeria 2021: Ramadan Package

    The Holy Month of Ramadan reminds us all of the need to be kind, helpful and thoughtful. This is especially important now, as the entire world is slowly recovering and battling the Covid-19 pandemic.
    On May 10th, 2021, the Embassy of the State of Israel in collaboration with Chabad of Nigeria, the Jewish Community in Nigeria, Kings of the World, FFEU, Alliance of Rabbis in Islamic States, RCC, BEX, MAG Technologies and Heritage Bank, donated hundreds of packages with food items to members of the Muslim communities in need of basic amenities.
    Mr. Yotam Kreiman together with the staff of the Israeli embassy and the Rabbi of Chabad, Mr. Israel Uzan, expressed their solidarity, brotherhood and care for the people of Nigeria at these challenging times of Covid-19 and insecurity. We hope to witness a direction of the humanity’s efforts to resolve the differences and strive for peaceful co-existence.

    The Embassy would like to appreciate Imam Sheik Dr. Kabir Muhammed Adam for the opportunity availed to the Jewish community to give to the Muslim community. We wish a blessed Eid Mubarak to all our Muslim brothers observing this Holy month and convey blessings of health and safety to us all.