
News and Events

    • Asian Science Camp

      The most talented young scientists from Asia and Australia came to Jerusalem to hear from Nobel laureates and start their own collaborations. By Avigayil Kadesh
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    • Insect Free Gloceries

      Packaging developed by Bio [pack] contains elements distilled from plants that repel a host of pests, but are harmless to food.
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    • Olympic

      Ever want to know what it's like to hear the Hatikva national anthem in an Olympic setting? Or jump off a sprinting block like Usain Bolt? Could you imagine what went through Israeli judoka ...
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    • A Hoo Ha cycling holiday

      An Israeli couple runs a unique hotel catering to tourists who want to enjoy the great outdoors from the seat of a two-wheeler. By Rivka Borochov
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    • Condolences

      Israel conveys its condolences to Egypt and to the Egyptian people on the killing of Egyptian security forces personnel in the barbaric terrorist attack last night
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