Israel- The happy people

Meet Chen Hayek

  •   Chen Hayek, the official photographer of our National day event
    The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything they have.
    Take a tour with Chen Hayek, the official photographer of our National day event.
    Happiness in the distance?
    Someone once said: "The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything they have
    It's not that I'm one of those happiest people, but I really love this quote and I think we can adopt this idea into the world of photography. Instead of seeking and craving to take photos of new places around the world, I try to find new points of view "under my feet", where I live. Israel is my location.
    In Israel we don't have 7 wonders, Aurora, nor pyramids. Even the snow doesn't fall nearby me, but we do have many beautiful and diverse places, in terms of nature, landscapes, and culture. Israel is a small country, but as small as it is, it's so diverse.

      In Tel Aviv we don't have waterfalls, but we do have many beautiful rockery along the beaches:
    Aside from photography styles, one of the coolest things about photography is that every photographer has different categories of photography that he likes to photograph.  For some reason, I'm less fond of taking "classical" pictures and portraits of people. I like to photograph people when it comes to shooting silhouettes, or when the photographed people completely ignore the existence of the camera. When it happens, I'm so into photographing them.

    How can people not be happy when they get wet or jump on the beach?

    Tel Aviv  
    I live in Tel Aviv. This city is the love of my life. I've been living there for 5 years and every day I feel like a tourist. The city has all the advantages and disadvantages of a big city. For me, the biggest advantage is the variety of beaches, so anyone can find his favorite beach. Because the winter in Israel is not that cold, I walk along the beach, enjoy the sun and take pictures.
    Tel Aviv is a nonstop city, the city is always alive, colorful and full of people. In most of the pictures I take, I choose to photograph landscapes without people in the frame, maybe this is my way to seek the quiet from the noisy life of the big city.
    Jerusalem is one of the most famous cities in the world. When you are in Jerusalem and see the beautiful scenery from the mountains, there are exciting feelings throughout the body. I only recently started to take my blue car and camera, driving right to Jerusalem. I can say that I fell in love with this city.  Before I start taking photos, I go to drink coffee and eat something tasty in 'Mahane Yehuda' market.
    In Israel we love to eat, and this country is full of restaurants that serve food from all over the world. What can I say, eating is the most enjoyable thing

    Photography is a journey
    Dealing with Photography is like a process or journey. Some photos which I used to like, don't excite me anymore and vice versa.  When I don't feel like taking photos, I don't do it. I can't force myself to take photos, I only take photos when I desire to do so.
    most of the photos that I've taken are horrible or boring, but I try to learn from my mistakes.
    Since I am an amateur and do not make a living from photography, I really enjoy it. Anything you do willingly is much more fun.
    I love hanging out with my friends, I love to take photos, but these two hobbies cannot be combined. When I'm busy with my camera, I can't give attention to the people around me. Photography isn't just about clicking the button, you need to explore the environment around you and choose your compositions.

    Credit: Chen Hayek
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