Grand Finale for the Bible Contest

    We are very proud of Ms. Nkechinyere O. Chidi-Mbah, the winner of the 1st National Old Testament Bible Contest!
    The festive finale held in Abuja sealed an exciting 2 month process which included:
    - 1700 contestants from all 36 states. ...
    - 12 finalists from the 6 geopolitical zones.
    - 3 finalists who won a trip to Israel.
    - 1 proud national champion.
    It was truly special to have Mrs. Dolapo Osinbanjo, wife of the Vice President of Nigeria as our guest of honor at the finale.
    Thank you to our partners Christian United For Israel Prayer Outreach, The Israeli Ministry of Education and others who made this competition a success.
    Below are some pictures from the event.


    Our Special Guest of Honour, Mrs. Dolapo Osibanjo with The Charge d'affaires of the Embassy, Mr. Nadav Goren



    Charge d'affaires of the Embassy delivering his speech



    Meet the 12 contestants



    Our Able Judges



    The wonderful CUFI Choir



    2nd Runner up - Mr Stephen Odiba


    1st Runner up - Mr Lukeman Lawan


    The winner of the first Old Testament Bible Contest- Mrs Nkechinyere Chidi-Mbah
    Rabbi Uzan saying the closing prayer and Shofar