
Entrepreneurship for Development

  •   UN resolution on Entrepreneurship for Development

    ​Entrepreneurship for Development

    UNGA, 67th Session

    Second Committee

    Permanent Mission of Israel to the UN


    Why Entrepreneurship for Development?

    •  There is currently no UN resolution recognizing that entrepreneurship is a major tool for reducing poverty, improving poverty, improving social conditions and confronting environmental challenges.
    • Entrepreneurship empowers people. It generates solutions and helps communities to overcome old problems with new ways of thinking.
    •  Entrepreneurship dives economic development - creating jobs, invigorating markets and expanding opportunities for women and youth.
    • Entrepreneurship development is a powerful engine that can propel the global agenda forward.

    How can we promote entrepreneurship?

    The resolution on Entrepreneurship for Development has two dimensions:

    •  It emphasizes the importance of creating a system that encourages and nurtures entrepreneurship;
    • It focuses on the importance of strengthening entrepreneurial skills in people through education and training with a particular emphasis on women and youth.

    The resolution highlights the importance of:

    • Improving regulatory environments and public policies;
    • Removing bureaucratic obstacles to business;
    • Facilitating access to financial services;
    • Ensuring that all stakeholders work together to promote entrepreneurship;
    • Fostering democratic institutions, transparency and accountability;
    • Increasing access to entrepreneurship education for all people with a focus on women and girls;
    • Teaching entrepreneurship through capacity-building, training programs and business incubators
    • Cultivating entrepreneurial networks

