Joe Hyams

Joe Hyams

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    Joe_Hyams Joe_Hyams
    Media Bias: Strategic Threats and Opportunities; Digital Diplomacy & Communications Challenges; Inside Israel: Diversity & Culture meet Religion & State; Israel and the US: Shared Vision, Distinct Priorities; Behind the Headlines: Reading Current Events in Context; Inconvenient Truths: The Struggle to Reframe Attitudes toward Israel.
     Joe Hyams is London born and educated, with a background in Media & Marketing Communications. He is a former Strategic Planner for Saatchi & Saatchi Advertising, and lectures on communication strategy and the challenges of education versus advocacy and trains Israel supporters in the planning of campaign strategy and evaluation as well as the identification of media bias and effective responses in the digital age. He is a regular guest speaker for Israel Mission delegations, student groups and community leadership seminars. 
    Joe is CEO of a USA and Israel non-profit organization dedicated to fair and accurate media coverage for Israel. Through media monitoring, grass roots education and the provision of services to journalists in the region, Joe works to raise the bar in media standards as well as community consciousness of the power of media to influence and impact policy and opinion. He is currently residing in Boston and an MA/MBA candidate at the Hornstein Jewish Professional Leadership Program & Heller School of Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University. 

    Hyams' published articles include:
