Aryeh Green

Aryeh Green

  •   Ben-Gurion University
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    Mr. Aryeh Green Mr. Aryeh Green

    • My Israel Trail: Finding Peace in the Land of Milk and Honey
    • Re-Asserting the Legitimacy of Israel: Indigenous people returning to our ancestral homeland
    • Three Myths of the Middle East: Fundamentals in pro-Israel advocacy and argument
    • Current events in Israel and the Middle East: An insider’s update on regional developments
    • A new approach to Israel’s media relations: embracing journalists rather than attacking them
    • Human Rights & Freedom in the Middle East: Natan Sharansky’s approach to peace
    • The New Anti-Semitism: A “3D” approach to anti-Israel attitudes
    • Start Up Nation: Whart's Next?

    Dynamic, knowledgeable, passionate, inspiring speaker for community and campus.  Author of forthcoming book My Israel Trail, about hiking the 600-mile Israel National Trail and the search for peace in the Middle East; Chief Strategic Officer at GigawattGlobal, an Israeli developer of solar energy projects for Africa; director emeritus of MediaCentral, a Jerusalem-based project of HonestReporting providing support services to foreign journalists based in or visiting Israel.  High-tech business consultant and executive; public diplomacy (‘hasbara’) spokesman; regional democracy activist; reserve briefing officer in IDF Spokesperson’s Unit.  Recent talk on "Re-awakening Zionism" (video) in LA, co-sponsored by the Israeli Consulate, Simon Wiesenthal Ctr, StandWithUs, Beverly Hills Syn and ZOA; most recent article – “Myths and Madness in the Middle East”.  More info, videos, articles at Jewish Speakers Bureau.

    Born in Washington, DC; grew up in San Francisco; made Aliya in 1984.  Policy advisor to Natan Sharansky since late 1990’s; served on executive staff of Sharansky’s Yisrael B’Aliya party; was senior member of minister Sharansky’s staff in Israel’s prime minister’s office, responsible for relations with ‘next generation’ Jewish leaders and coordination of hasbara activities, including on campus, as well as for contacts with Palestinian and other Arab democracy activists.

    Over 25 years in business, mostly high-tech, with various executive management positions and consulting work for public and private Israeli companies, including ECI Telecom, Aladdin, Bank HaPoalim, Pfizer, AudioCodes, Moto Guzzi and others.  Former managing director of the G3 Associates business consulting firm in Jerusalem.  Seven years public sector work in education, including as founder/director of Students For Israel, a Jerusalem seminar center training visiting students in advocacy skills for their return to campuses abroad.

    BA in psychology from UC Berkeley, MA in international relations from Hebrew University, MSc in business management from Boston University and Ben Gurion University.  Publications include articles in Haaretz, The Jerusalem Post, NY Times, Wall St. Journal, JCPA’s “Academics Against Israel and the Jews”, Jewish Policy Center, Israel21C, Washington Jewish Week, Aspen Times, SF “J”, Israel Insider, and various online forums.  In his spare time, Aryeh grows grapes and makes wine.

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