Aryeh Green

Aryeh Green

  •   Ben-Gurion University

    Israel's Start-Up Nation: What's Next?; Weathering the Global Economic Meltdown and Housing Market Crashes; Building the World's Leading Public Health Service; Supporting the World's Largest (As a Percent of GDP) Military Budget While Providing Basic Social Services for Large, Underpriveledged Communities (Bedouin, Haredim and others); Current Events in Israel and the Middle East; A New Approach to Israel’s Media Relations; Human Rights & Freedom in the Middle East; Human Rights in Jewish Sources; The New Anti-Semitism

     Aryeh Green is the Director of MediaCentral, a Jerusalem-based project providing support services to foreign journalists based in or visiting Israel. He is also a high-tech business consultant and executive, public diplomacy (“hasbara”) spokesman, regional democracy activist and reserve briefing officer in the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit. 

    He was born in Washington, DC, grew up in San Francisco, and made Aliya in 1984 with wife Katie (Wagerman) from London. He has been the policy advisor to Natan Sharansky since the mid-1990s, on the executive staff of Sharansky’s Yisrael B’Aliya party (2001-2003) and a senior member of minister Sharansky’s staff in the prime minister’s office (2003- 2005). Green is responsible for contacts with Palestinian and other Arab democracy activists as well as for relations with ‘next generation’ Jewish leaders. His other responsibilities include coordinating support for Jewish students and faculty at universities around the world, combating anti-Semitism, and public diplomacy activities. He has a BA in psychology from UC Berkeley, an MA in international relations from Hebrew University and an MSc in business management from Boston/Ben Gurion Universities. Publications include articles in Haaretz, The Jerusalem Post, Israel21C, Washington Jewish Week, SF Northern California Jewish Bulletin, Israel Insider and on
