Einat Wilf

Einat Wilf

  •   Will be in Florida on November 5-6 and in New York on December 6

    Israel and the Arab Spring; How to Break the Israeli-Palestinian Impasse; Israel's Political Shift Inward; Women's Role in Middle East Peace; Saving Public Education in Israel; How Concentration of Wealth Hold Israel's Economy Hostage​

    Dr. Wilf is considered to be one of Israel’s most articulate representatives on the international stage and a leading intellectual and original thinker on matters of foreign policy, economics, education, and Jewish peoplehood. Considered a future Prime Minister of Israel by Le Figaro magazine, Dr. Wilf is a fierce fighter for improving the public education system and a staunch opponent of the centralization of wealth. Her opinion articles are regularly published in international publications and she is frequently interviewed for television and radio programs around the world.
    Dr. Einat Wilf, a Senior Fellow with the Jewish People Policy Institute and the Baye Foundation Adjunct Fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, was Chair of the Education, Sports and Culture Committee, Chair of the Knesset Sub-Committee for Israel and the Jewish People, and Member of the influential Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee in the 18th Knesset.
    Previously, Dr. Wilf served as Foreign Policy Advisor to Vice Prime Minister Shimon Peres and prior to that she was a strategic consultant with McKinsey & Company. Born and raised in Israel, she served as an Intelligence Officer in the Israel Defense Forces.
    Dr. Wilf holds a BA in Government and Fine Arts from Harvard University, an MBA from INSEAD in France, and a PhD in Political Science from the University of Cambridge.
    Dr. Wilf is the author of four books that explore key issues in Israeli society. Her first book, “My Israel, Our Generation”, is about Israel’s past and future from the perspective of the younger generation. Her second book, “Back to Basics: How to Save Israeli Education (at no additional cost)“, offers a detailed and feasible policy proposal for improving Israel’s education system. Her third book, “It’s NOT the Electoral System, Stupid”, demonstrates through comparative analysis why Israel’s electoral system is no worse than those of other democracies and therefore should not be changed. Her fourth and most recent book, “Winning the War of Words”, compiles her key essays on Israel and Zionism.

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