Past Op-Eds - Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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    • Mr. Netanyahu is ready to negotiate today—if only Mr. Abbas is willing. By accepting the Jewish State, the Palestinians can have their own.
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    • Despite repeated Palestinian efforts to isolate us, Israel is not alone. And we have a great many friends, especially in the U.S., who we know would not want to imply that Israel stands alo ...
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    • Just as Jews were once expelled from Arab lands, Christians are now being forced from countries they have long inhabited.
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    • For America, as well as for Israel, an investment in the Iron Dome system is an investment in diplomacy — helping to create the conditions conducive to peace.
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    • Founded by individuals from dissimilar, often illiberal cultures, democracy in Israel is today more robust than ever. Against incalculable odds, Israel remains unflaggingly -- even flagrant ...
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