Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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  • Press Room

    PM Netanyahu meets with Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz

    PM Netanyahu: You know very well that Israel is the only true democracy in the Middle East. It’s the one place in the region that shares and defends the values that Europe holds dear: freedom, pluralism, equality.
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting

    Last week I met with European leaders, and I made it clear that we will take strong action against attempts to establish a presence against us, and also against attacks on us. I think that this is understood and accepted by these leaders.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Latvian FM Edgars Rinkevics

    The two discussed Iranian aggression, the latest developments in the region and the strengthening of bilateral relations. The Latvian Foreign Minister invited the Prime Minister to visit Latvia.
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    PM Netanyahu speaks with Guatemalan President in wake of the volcano disaster

    ​PM Netanyahu conveyed his condolences, as well as those of the Israeli people, and offered all medical and logistical assistance from Israel.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with French Economy and Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire

    The traditional economic assumption of supply and demand, this is all true. But innovation creates entirely new demands. Innovation is creating entirely new industries and revolutionizing old industries.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with British PM Theresa May

    I wish to focus on two issues, two goals that we share. The first is how to make sure that Iran does not have nuclear weapons. And the second is how to roll back Iran’s aggression in the region, and specifically in Syria.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with French President Macron in Paris

    The greatest threat to the world today is nuclear weapons in the hands of a radical Islamic regime. Iran lied to the world about its nuclear weapons program; now is the time to apply maximum pressure so that their nuclear program doesn’t go anywhere.
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    PM Netanyahu and French President Macron attend gala event in honor of Israel

    Our opponents want a different world – a dark world. These militant terrorists are united and we should be united against them. I believe that we can win the war against terrorism by uniting around our common values.
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    PM Netanyahu and his wife Sara meet with French Jewish community leaders

    Israel is working against the threat of radical Islam which threatens Israel and the entire world. We are thwarting awful terrorist attacks including here in France. Israel has blocked very many terrorist attacks in Europe and will continue to do so.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with German Chancellor Angela Merkel

    I think the greatest challenge that the civilized world faces today is the danger that comes out from militant Islamic states that are bent on aggression and acquiring nuclear arsenals. This, the greatest danger, is in Iran.
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks upon leaving for Berlin

    PM Netanyahu departed today for a round of diplomatic meetings in Berlin, Paris and London, “I am now leaving on an important visit to Europe. I will meet with three leaders and I will raise two issues there: Iran and Iran.”
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting

    In my talks tomorrow with European leaders I will reiterate that Israel will not allow Iran to achieve nuclear weapons and emphasize that we will continue to retain freedom of action against the establishment of an Iranian military presence in Syria.
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    PM Netanyahu to leave for a series of diplomatic meetings in Europe

    PM Netanyahu will talk with the leaders about preventing Iran from arming itself with nuclear weapons, the spread of Iranian aggression and the latest developments in the region. They will also discuss advancing cooperation in various fields.
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    MFA recommends postponing Knesset debate on recognition of Armenian genocide

    The recommendation to postpone the debate until after the Turkish elections arose due to concern that this may serve Turkish President Erdoğan’s election campaign.
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    PM Netanyahu addresses the memorial ceremony for the victims of the Altalena

    We will not allow Iran to arm itself with nuclear weapons. We will continue to act against its intention to establish a military presence in Syria opposite us, not just opposite the Golan Heights but anywhere in Syria.
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