Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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  • Press Room

    World’s first King Herod exhibition

    The Herod the Great exhibition that opened to the public on Wednesday at the Israel Museum portrays this ancient figure through the monumental architecture he created and the art and objects with which he surrounded himself.​​​​
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    Iran's Global Business Is Murder Inc.

    Ambassador Michael Oren writes in the Wall Street Journal. Bombings in capital cities, kidnappings, trade in drugs and guns—Iranian exports, all. Now Tehran wants nukes.
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    Overseas Volunteers Join Israeli Ambulance Corps

    For the past 12 years, Overseas Volunteers from the ages of 18 to 27 are trained as first responders and join the Israeli medical services
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    Iran's Global Business Is Murder Inc.

    Ambassador Michael Oren writes in the Wall Street Journal. Bombings in capital cities, kidnappings, trade in drugs and guns—Iranian exports, all. Now Tehran wants nukes.
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    Israel condemns North Korean nuclear test

    Israel joins the international community in expressing the grave danger that this act poses to regional stability and international peace and security.
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    PM Netanyahu addresses Conference of Presidents

    Unity is what we are trying to achieve here because we're facing enormous external challenges and great internal challenges. The three external challenges: Iran, Syria, and establishing peace with the Palestinians.
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    10 Most Innovative Companies in Israel

    Fast Company ranks the 10 Israeli most innovative companies. Soda Stream and Waze ranked 1 and 3 respectively.
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    Amb. Oren Joins Pop Band on Drums

    "My Favorite Enemy", a band that blends Middle Eastern music with pop and rock, performed at the Ambassador's Residence. Ambassador Oren Joined for the encore.
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    President Peres meets with Jewish Leaders

    The President met with a delegation from the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. "There is no more important link than our relations with the United States of America, it's essential that we maintain it," Peres Said.
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    President Peres on Pope Benedict's Resignation

    President Peres: "I am saddened by the decision of Pope Benedict XVI to step down and wish him a long and healthy life. Pope Benedict has the depth of great thinker."
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    Tour Jerusalem with a New Smartphone App

    Tourists and visitors to the Old City of Jerusalem can now download a free app that offers 16 walking tours complete with maps, photos, recorded and written explanations.
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    President Obama to Visit Israel

    This will be Obama's first visit to Israel as a President and will be part of a wider tour of the Middle East.
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    Israel Chief of Staff Awarded U.S. Legion of Merit

    Lt. Gen. Gantz received the award on behalf of the President of the United States for his outstanding and noteworthy command and for his military service.
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    Israel's New Knesset Sworn In

    The 19th Knesset opened in a special session attended by President Shimon Peres, at which the 120 MKs declared allegiance to the State of Israel.
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    Statements regarding Hezbollah attack in Burgas

    White House: Bulgaria’s investigation exposes Hizballah for what it is – a terrorist group... that poses a real and growing threat not only to Europe, but to the rest of the world.
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