Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
  • Press Room
  • Press Room

    Amb. Barukh Binah: A Partial Goodbye

    Ambassador Barukh Binah, former Deputy Head of Mission at the embassy, writes a personal op-ed about his past experiences in the U.S. as he assumes his new position as Israel's Ambassador to Denmark.
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    House Passes Nuclear Iran Prevention Act

    The U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed The Nuclear Iran Prevention Act on Wednesday.
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    Peace Negotiations Resume in Washington

    Peace negotiations began at the State Department on Monday night with an Iftar dinner hosted by Secretary of State John Kerry and Ambassador Martin Indyk.
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    Remarks on the Middle East Peace Process Talks

    Remarks on the Middle East Peace Process Talks by Secretary of State John Kerry, Israeli Justice Minister Tzipi Livni and Palestinian Chief Negotiator Saeb Erekat.
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    PM Netanyahu's Open Letter to Israeli Citizens

    "It is important for the State of Israel to enter a diplomatic process that will continue for at least nine months – in order to check if it is possible to reach an agreement with the Palestinians during this time."
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    Juniper Stallion 2013

    The U.S. European Command and the Israel Defense Forces are in the midst of the Juniper Stallion 13, a bilateral aerial exercise held between the U.S. and Israeli air forces.
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    Israel responds to resumption of negotiations

    PM Netanyahu: "I view the resumption of the diplomatic process at this time as a vital strategic interest of the State of Israel."
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    Iftar Dinner at the Ambassador's Residence

    Ambassador Michael Oren reflects on the third annual Iftar dinner he hosted at his residence this week for Ramadan.
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    2013 Maccabiah Games Begin in Jerusalem

    The 19th Maccabiah Games began on Thursday in Jerusalem’s Teddy Stadium, as more than 9,000 athletes, coaches, and staff from over 70 countries traveled to Israel to take part in the Jewish Olympics.
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    Pres. Peres Meets with NBA Star Amar'e Stoudemire

    President Shimon Peres hosted the New York Knicks NBA all-star player Amar’e Stoudemire at his residence in Jerusalem this morning. Stoudemire is in Israel to take part in the Maccabiah Games as part of the Canadian basketball team’s staff.
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    Yad Vashem Named Fourth Best Museum in the World

    Yad Vashem, Israel’s official Holocaust memorial museum was ranked fourth recently on the popular travel website TripAdvisor’s list of the Top 25 Museums in the world.
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    Ambassador Michael Oren's Interview with Haaretz

    Ambassador Michael Oren, in an interview with Haaretz last week, spoke to his job as ambassador, his appreciation of President Obama as a true friend of Israel, the Iranian nuclear program, and the peace process.
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    PM Netanyahu: "Iran edging closer to 'red line'"

    Prime Minister Netanyahu, in an interview on Sunday on CBS's Face the Nation, warned that Iran is getting closer to building a nuclear bomb, and that it must be stopped.
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    Ron Dermer Appointed Next Israeli Ambassador

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has decided to appoint Ron Dermer as Israel's next Ambassador to the U.S.
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    Israeli Companies Employed 23,000 Americans

    Israeli Owned Companies Employed Over 23,000 Americans and Contributed $256 million to U.S. Exports in 2010
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