Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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  • Press Room

    BREAKING: Bodies of Kidnapped Boys Found

    It is with great sadness that we report that the IDF has found the bodies of Eyal, Gil-ad and Naftali. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of the three boys. We will continue to update as we get more information.
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    Ambassador Dermer Honors President Peres

    You came here to honor Israel’s President, Shimon Peres. You honor him not just because of the office he holds but also because of the leader he is -- A leader whose life represents in so many ways the life of Israel.
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    President Peres in Washington

    President Peres arrives in DC on Wednesday for his last trip to the US as President. Follow along on social media using #PeresUSA
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    PM Netanyahu on Meet the Press, NPR

    Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke publicly this weekend about the kidnappings of Eyal, Gilad, and Naftali as well as the long-term consequences of President Abbas’s unity government with Hamas, a terrorist organization that calls for Israel’s destruction.
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    Developing: Three Israeli Teens Kidnapped

    Three Israeli teens who went missing Thursday June 12 on the way back to school in the West Bank were kidnapped by Hamas terrorists.
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    Security Cabinet Decision on Fatah-Hamas Unity

    Today, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said yes to terrorism and no to peace. Israel will not conduct diplomatic negotiations with a Palestinian government that relies on Hamas, a terrorist organization that calls for the destruction of Israel.
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    Merck signs cooperation agreement with the Chief Scientist of Israel

    U.S. pharmaceutical company Merck signed a commercial cooperation agreement with the Chief Scientist at the Ministry of Economy to support Israeli life science companies.
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    Juniper Cobra 14 US-Israel Joint Exercise

    Over 700 U.S. Service members are cooperating with their Israeli counterparts in Juniper Cobra 14, a ballistic missile defense exercise between the U.S. and Israel.
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    Pope Francis in Israel - May 2014

    Pope Francis will be the fourth Pope to come to the Holy Land. He will visit Israel on May 25-26, 2014 - the 50th anniversary of the historic visit of Pope Paul VI.
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    Amb. Dermer's Independence Day Speech

    "I believe Israel will be America's most important ally in the 21st century. Israel's importance as a strong, stable, reliable, democratic ally in the heart of a very dangerous region will become more and more critical for our common security."
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    Amb. Dermer's Independence Day Speech

    "I believe Israel will be America's most important ally in the 21st century. Israel's importance as a strong, stable, reliable, democratic ally in the heart of a very dangerous region will become more and more critical for our common security."
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    Video: Amb. Dermer on FDD Washington 2014 Forum

    Keynote address by Ambassador Ron Dermer to the 2014 Washington Forum, presented by the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies "Allies, Adversaries and Enemies."
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    President Peres meets with US National Security Advisor Rice

    President Peres: My estimate is that Abu Mazen wants to achieve peace; I don't think he changed on the basic issues, namely the two state solution and opposition to terror. He is someone that we can negotiate with.
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    Video: Happy 66th Independence Day, Israel!

    "This is my first Yom Haatzmaut as Israel's Ambassador to the United States, and I could not be more proud than to represent Israel in this great country, a country that has restored our hope and that's securing our future."
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    Amb. Dermer Remarks on Israel's Memorial Day

    "Sixty six years after Israel was established, there are few who remember what life was like for the Jewish people before there was an Israel... Think about the sovereignty we have restored and the hope we have renewed."
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