Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
  • Press Room
  • Press Room

    PM Netanyahu addresses Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations

    I think the greatest danger facing humanity is the possibility that any movement or any regime of militant Islam will arm itself with the weapons of mass destruction.
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    President Rivlin meets with Israeli diplomats to North America

    Our friendships are above political parties and opinions, they are friendships borne out of trust and shared values. Even such close friends can have a difference of opinion, and even agree to disagree various issues.
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    PM Netanyahu participates in ceremony in memory of the Paris victims

    ​PM Netanyahu: I share not only in the grief of the families, but in the feelings of the entire Jewish People who understand that the attack in Paris was an attack on all Jews wherever they are.
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    FM Liberman praises King Abdullah for strong action against terrorism

    King Abdullah should be praised for his prompt and forceful action this morning against this act of terror. The leaders of the world must follow King Abdullah's example in combatting terrorism in general, and ISIS in particular.
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    PM Netanyahu speaks with UN Sec Gen Ban Ki-moon

    The international community has yet to point an accusatory finger at Iran which was behind the attack on the northern border and is exporting terrorism around the world.
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    International Holocaust Remembrance Day – 27 January 2015

    On 27 January, Israeli missions around the world will mark 70 years since the liberation of Auschwitz and ten years since the UN resolution to establish an international Holocaust Remembrance Day.
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    President Rivlin meets with UN Sec. Gen. Ban Ki-moon

    President Rivlin: Religious hatred is on the rise, the poison of fundamentalism and terrorism has left no corner of the globe immune, and the need to fight this threat is a primary international interest.
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    President Rivlin begins New York visit

    President Rivlin: “I also have a dream, I believe that Jerusalem, which is a microcosm of the whole world, will serve as an example of coexistence between different religions and communities.”
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    PM Netanyahu accepts invitation by US House of Representatives Speaker Boehner

    PM Netanyahu: I look forward to being able to share with the joint session Israel's vision for working together to address our common challenges and to reiterate Israel's commitment to the bond that unites our two democracies."
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    Grand Challenges Israel announces 10 global health innovations

    Innovators from Israel receive seed grants for bold ideas, to steer Israeli entrepreneurs towards finding solutions for developing nations - those markets in which there’s a real need for urgent solutions.
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    PM Netanyahu on decision of the ICC prosecutor

    It is the democracy of Israel, a world leader in fighting terrorism, which is to be hauled to the dock in The Hague, while the terrorist war criminals of Hamas are the ones who are going to be pressing the charges.
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    New President of the Supreme Court, Justice Miriam Naor

    Justice Naor: "Israel can take pride in the fact that its judges are independent, and not pressured by anything but the law and truth."
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    Israel sends condolences after Paris terrorist attack

    The people of Israel send their condolences to the people of France over the brutal acts of savagery in Paris today. The attacks of radical Islam know no boundaries - these are international attacks and the response has to be international.
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    FAQ: Elections in Israel

    A bill to dissolve the 19th Knesset passed its first reading in the Knesset plenum on Wednesday, December 3, 2014 by unanimous vote. Elections are expected to be held on March 17, 2015.
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    Terror attack in Jerusalem synagogue

    The victims: Rabbis Moshe Twersky, 59, Aryeh Kupinsky, 43, Avraham Shmuel Goldberg, 68, and Kalman Levine, 55. PM Netanyahu: "This is the direct result of the incitement being led by Hamas and Abu Mazen."
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