Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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  • Press Room

    President Rivlin meets with chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff

    President Rivlin: It was commonly thought that the enemy of your enemy was your friend; this this is no longer necessarily the case. For us this is not a hypothetical issue - there is a very real threat to the citizens of Israel, of all faiths.
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    On the decision to exclude Israel from the UN List of Shame

    The State of Israel acted to protect its citizens from attacks by a murderous terror organization, which has no qualms about placing Palestinian civilians, including children, in the firing line.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Google Executive Chairman Schmidt

    At the meeting, Eric Schmidt pointed out that Israel was second only to Silicon Valley in terms of the number of start-ups, and added that Google's commitment to invest in Israel would continue.
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    PM Netanyahu addresses the Herzliya Conference

    I remain committed to a solution of two states for two peoples as I said at Bar-Ilan - a demilitarized Palestinian state that recognizes the Jewish state. These are the foundations of an enduring peace between us and the Palestinians.
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    Pres Rivlin meets UN Middle East Envoy Mladenov

    We are doing all in our power to improve the situation in Gaza, and to rebuild, as long as it is not used by Hamas to rearm. We recognize the importance of the UN as a mediator in international conflicts, but it cannot replacem direct negotiations.
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    PM Netanyahu's statement on FIFA decision

    This Palestinian provocation joins the unilateral steps that the Palestinians are taking at other international institutions. So long as they take these steps they will only push peace further away instead of bringing it closer.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with US Senator Bill Cassidy

    As horrific as ISIS is, once Iran, the preeminent terrorist state of our time, acquires nuclear weapons, it will be a thousand times more dangerous and more destructive than ISIS. ISIS should be fought; Iran should be stopped.
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    PM Netanyahu speaks with US Secretary Kerry

    PM Netanyahu conveyed his appreciation to President Barack Obama and the Secretary for the efforts of the American team at the Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons in New York.
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    PM Netanyahu and 34th Government convene at President's Residence

    PM Netanyahu: The threats in the region also create opportunities. We will take every opportunity to translate regional cooperation into processes for stability and peace.
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    Jerusalem Day ceremony

    PM Netanyahu: Islamic fanaticism threatens Jerusalem, the Middle East and the entire world. We oppose the nuclear deal with Iran, and believe it is possible to achieve a better one.
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    Global Forum for Combating Antisemitism closes

    Among the steps adopted by the Forum: Removing Internet sites which deny the Holocaust, and establishing a national body in every country to enforce legislation and require Internet providers to enforce rules against hosting hate content.
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    PM Netanyahu addresses 5th Global Forum for Combating Antsemitism

    Today's antisemitism is not limited to the various sects of militant Islam, nor is it limited just to the xenophobic elements on the fringes of European society. Because today it often wears the mask of so-called progressive thinking in the West.
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    Israel to host mobile technologies conference for tourism

    Israel's reputation as the Start-Up Nation led to the choice of the conference theme of innovation and technology in tourism, and will showcase the best interactive apps, tourism augmented reality games to enhance the tourist experience.
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    President Rivlin meets bipartisan US Congress delegation

    The relationship between our peoples and our governments are of the highest priority, in each and every field - though first and foremost in the field of security
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    PM Netanyahu meets with bipartisan US Congressional delegation

    Our relationship has been based on two pillars, and even when we have disagreements, they are based on our common need and desire to maintain our alliance and to maintain Israel's security.
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