Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
  • Press Room
  • Press Room

    Statement by PM Netanyahu

    The bottom line of this very bad deal is exactly what Iran's President Rouhani said today: 'The international community is removing the sanctions and Iran is keeping its nuclear program.'
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    Security Cabinet rejects nuclear deal with Iran

    The Cabinet unanimously rejected the agreement and it determined that Israel is not bound by it. PM Netanyahu spoke with US President Barack Obama and expressed Israel's two major concerns regarding this agreement, after having examined it.
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks in the Knesset

    Our commitment is to prevent Iran from arming itself with nuclear weapons and it is valid today more than ever. I call on all those who care about Israel's security to unite behind this commitment
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    PM Netanyahu addresses the state memorial ceremony for Theodor Herzl

    Iran is the greatest threat to world peace. The concessions agreement that Iran is about to receive from the major powers paves the way for it to arm itself with nuclear weapons and deliver them via the missiles it is continuing to develop.
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    President Rivlin hosts Iftar meal

    Ramadan is based on the values of compassion, mercy, and grace. But unfortunately, there are those who seek to exploit the sanctity of Ramadan, and distort its meaning in favor of criminal and murderous terrorism.
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    PM Netanyahu responds to the UNHRC decision

    The UN Human Rights Council is not interested in the facts and is not really interested in human rights. The UNHRC condemns the State of Israel for no fault of its own, for acting to defend itself from a murderous terrorist organization.
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    PM Netanyahu and Pres Rivlin on Sir Nicholas Winton

    The Jewish people and the State of Israel owe an eternal debt to Nicholas Winton who singlehandedly saved hundreds of Jewish children from the Nazis.
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    PM Netanyahu and DM Yaalon visit victims of Jerusalem terror attacks

    PM Netanyahu: We join with Egypt and with many other countries in the struggle against the extremist Islamic terrorism that is guided by Iran and the Shiite extremists and by ISIS and the Sunni extremists, as well as other factions such as Hamas.
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    PM Netanyahu at US Independence Day celebrations

    The Middle East is imploding all around us. The forces of militant Islam are rushing to fill the void. Yet in this turbulent and violent Middle East, Israel stands out as a beacon of freedom and human rights, an island of democracy in a sea of despotism.
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    Israeli response to the UNHRC Commission of Inquiry

    It is regrettable that the report fails to recognize the profound difference between Israel’s moral behavior during Operation Protective Edge and the terror organizations it confronted.
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    Government approves National Authority for Technology and Innovation

    The authority will reinforce the government's long-term goals for the hi-tech industry of maintaining and increasing Israel's global leadership in the face of growing competition while connecting wider parts of the economy to this engine of growth.
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    Ramadan greetings and easing of restrictions

    The Islamic world is marking the month of Ramadan even as the Middle East burns in the wake of civil wars and religious wars between Sunnis and Shi'ites. Israel will continue to be an island of security and stability in the stormy sea around us.
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    Cabinet Secretary Mandelblit presents PM Netanyahu with Israel's Position on Operation Protective Edge

    PM Netanyahu received the report on the State of Israel's position regarding Operation Protective Edge, which proves unequivocally that the actions carried out by the IDF and security forces were in accordance with international law.
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    Briefing on publication of Israeli Report: 2014 Gaza Conflict

    Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely and Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Dore Gold, together with an interministerial legal team, held a briefing on the publication of the Israeli report on the 2014 Gaza conflict.
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    PM Netanyahu Meets with chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff

    PM Netanyahu: We know we have no better friends than the American people, the American governments, the American fighting men and women. You fight for America, but you also fight for freedom.
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