Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
  • Press Room
  • Press Room

    President Rivlin visits Tabgha and Christian sites in Jordan Valley

    President Rivlin: "I am here today, to make clear that the State of Israel - as a Jewish and democratic state, democratic and Jewish - holds dear its responsibility to protect, the freedom and safety of all faiths in Israel."
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Nobel laureates on the occasion of the WSCI Conference

    We are in the vortex of a battle between modernity and medievalism that is being waged around us. We have to be powerful for peace and for the prosperity of our people; the core of that power is represented in this room, and that is the power of the mind.
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    Emergency aid to Myanmar

    Ambassador Zonshine headed the Israel embassy's delegation to the hard-hit Thayarwaddy delta area, with a truck loaded with food, medicines, mosquito nets and hygiene packs.
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    President Rivlin meets delegation of Republican members of Congress

    Israelis are deeply concerned about the recent nuclear deal signed with Iran. We fear that this agreement is a first step in the legitimization of Iran's policies and strategies, and only acts to further destabilize a chaotic region.
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    President Rivlin meets with Democratic congressional delegation

    The Iranian regime is a dangerous combination of aggressiveness, fundamentalism, and state sponsored terrorism. We fear the agreement is a first step in the legitimization of Iran's policies and strategies, and further destabilizes a chaotic region.
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    PM Netanyahu visits victim of firebomb attack

    Our policy is zero tolerance for terrorism and it does not matter where it comes from. There is no law above the laws of the state, which apply to everyone. Against those who violate them, we will use the full weight of the law.
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    PM Netanyahu addresses Jewish Federations on Iran

    The nuclear deal with Iran doesn't block Iran's path to the bomb. It actually paves Iran's path to the bomb. It gives Iran two paths to the bomb. Iran can get to the bomb by keeping the deal or Iran could get to the bomb by violating the deal.
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    President Rivlin addresses solidarity rally in Jerusalem

    The flames are spreading in our land: flames of violence, flames of hatred, flames of twisted beliefs, flames which permit the shedding of blood in the name of the Torah, in the name of morality, in the name of love for the land of Israel.
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    Arson terror attack in Duma

    Dep FM Hotovely: "Judaism sanctifies life. The taking of innocent life and the defilement of Jewish morals is an unforgiveable act of terror." PM Netanyahu to PA Chairman Abbas: "We must fight terrorism together regardless of which side it comes from."
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    Statements on Gay Pride stabbing in Jerusalem

    PM Netanyahu: "A despicable hate crime was committed this evening in Jerusalem. In Israel everyone, including the gay community, has the right to live in peace, and we will defend that right."
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    Israeli response to Amnesty International report

    The methodology the report is based upon is fundamentally flawed, evidence that Amnesty has a flawed understanding of international law, and further reveals the organization’s compulsive obsessiveness towards Israel.
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    PM Netanyahu on UNSC endorsement of Iranian accord

    The UN Security Council has given its approval to a country that has systematically violated the UNSC's decisions and which calls for the destruction of Israel, a member of the UN. The hypocrisy knows no bounds.
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    PM Netanyahu interviewed on American networks

    Within 10 to 15 years Iran will become a threshold state with full international legitimacy, unrestricted number of centrifuges to build a nuclear arsenal in a very short time. And to boot, they also get a cash bonanza to fund their terrorists.
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    PM Netanyahu wishes PA Chairman happy Eid al-Fitr

    The Prime Minister told Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas that the citizens of Israel want peace and added that Israel would continue to act toward regional stability.
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    PM Netanyahu interviewed on NBC News

    The Iranians can cheat on the deal, because inspections are not instantaneous. You have 24 days before you can inspect any site that you find suspicious in Iran.
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