Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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  • Press Room

    Israel rejects UNESCO Executive Board decision on 'Occupied Palestine'

    The deep Jewish ties to the holy sites in Jerusalem and its surroundings are undeniable and no decision of UNESCO can alter that. The resolution aims to transform the Israeli-Palestinian conflict into a religious confrontation and is a disgrace.
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    Israel sends humanitarian aid to Vanuatu

    Powdered porridge enriched with nutrients will help supply food to the population following the tropical cyclone last March which decimated 70% of the country's crops.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with UN Sec. Gen. Ban Ki-moon

    Netanyahu: President Abbas has not condemned a single one of the 30 terrorist attacks on Israelis over the last month. In the face of this terrorism Israel is acting as any democracy would to defend its citizens.
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    PM Netanyahu addresses the 37th Zionist Congress

    The physical assaults on the Jews are always preceded and accompanied by an assault on the truth, campaign of defamation and slander. And what I would like to examine with you today are the ten big lies that are hurled at us.
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    MFA on Palestinian attempt to declare the Western Wall a Muslim holy site

    This is a clear endeavor to distort history, in order to erase the connection between the Jewish people and its holiest site, and to create a false reality.
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    Statement by MFA DG Gold on Joseph's tomb arson

    The Palestinian attack on Joseph's tomb reminds us of the actions of the most extreme Islamist elements, from Afghanistan to Lybia. Only Israel can protect the sites holy for all religions in Jerusalem.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with US Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff General Dunford

    The two men discussed strategic cooperation between the two countries and the strategic challenges that we face.
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    PM Netanyahu holds press conference for international media

    Yesterday, President Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel of putting to death, executing an innocent Palestinian boy. First of all, he's not dead - he's alive. Second, he's not innocent. The only way that we can fight this big lie is to tell the truth.
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    PM Netanyahu addresses Knesset on security situation

    I say to the Chairman of the Palestinian Authority: Do not turn murderers into heroes. If there is further deterioration due to the incitement by Hamas and the Islamic Movement and the Palestinian Authority, you will be held responsible.
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    PM Netanyahu at press conference on wave of terrorism

    We are in the midst of a wave of terrorism with knives, firebombs, rocks and even live fire, the result of mendacious incitement by Hamas, the Palestinian Authority, several countries in the region and the Islamic Movement in Israel.
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    President Rivlin addresses Foreign Press Association

    Partnership must begin with dialogue. Dialogue is not just words, it is the building of mutual understanding and respect. We and the Palestinians will not be able to reach an agreement without a basic confidence in our ability to sit together as partners.
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    PM Netanyahu on the security situation in Jerusalem

    The status quo does not allow bringing pipebombs into the al-Aqsa Mosque. We also demand sharp action against incitement, including its sources, Hamas, the Palestinian Authority - but first and foremost the Islamic Movement in Israel.
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    PM Netanyahu on CNN: Palestinian incitement and terrorism

    The problem is that Mahmoud Abbas is inciting to terrorism. There's only one way to get a peace process going, peace negotiations going – you've got to sit down and negotiate.
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    PM Netanyahu meets US Secretary of State Kerry

    PM Netanyahu: "Any path forward requires one thing: you have to fight terror. But when we hear incitement - worse, when we hear praise for the terrorists from our supposed peace partners, we say cut that out, start fighting terrorism."
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    PM Netanyahu addresses the UN General Assembly

    Seventy years after the murder of six million Jews, Iran's rulers promise to destroy my country. Murder my people. And the response from this body, from nearly every one of the governments represented here has been absolutely nothing! Utter silence!
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