Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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  • Press Room

    Dep FM Hotovely extends condolences to the people of France

    The entire world is awakening to the reality of Islamic terrorism, which is motivated by an ideology that challenges the very foundations of the free world.
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    PM Netanyahu and President Rivlin on the terrorist attacks in Paris

    Terrorism is the deliberate and systematic targeting of civilians. It can never be justified. I call on the entire civilized world to unite to defeat the plague of worldwide terrorism. An attack on any one of us should be seen as an attack on all of us.
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    President Rivlin addresses Ha’aretz Israel Conference on Peace

    We must strive for broad agreement. We must not allow our harsh feelings to get the better of our common sense, or to derail efforts to reach a breakthrough where the potential exists – here and now.
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    MFA opens International Conference on Countering Radicalization and Violent Extremism

    Delegates from 41 countries and 10 regional and international organizations will attend. The conference is being hosted in cooperation with the UN Terrorism Prevention Branch and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.
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    PM Netanyahu addresses Jewish Federations of North America

    I remain committed to a vision of two states for two peoples where a demilitarized Palestinian state recognizes the Jewish state, and Israel will continue to work for peace in the hope that what is not achievable today might be achievable tomorrow.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with US President Obama at the White House

    PM Netanyahu: I want to make it clear that we have not given up our hope for peace. I remain committed to a vision of peace of two states for two peoples, a demilitarized Palestinian state that recognizes the Jewish state.
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    President Rivlin meets with former US President Clinton

    The two spoke at length about the shared challenges posed by recent regional developments, and the impact of the situation on daily life in Israel.
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    Deputy Minister of Regional Cooperation Kara leaves for US

    In Washington DC and New York he will hold a series of meetings to promote joint projects between Israel and the countries of the region and discuss Syria and the refugee crisis, and attend a special fundraising evening for 'Save a Child's Heart'.
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    Defense Minister Ya'alon meets with US Secretary of Defense Carter

    Secretary Carter: "For Israel, the current regional situation presents daily threats to the state, its economy, and its democracy. As we have since its founding, the United States stands with Israel, and we always will."
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    Dep FM Hotovely addresses 29th Women Leaders' Conference

    "Political leadership and economic empowerment are key factors for the advancement of gender equality. Israel has been a pioneer in terms of gender equality."
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    President Rivlin addresses official memorial ceremony for Yitzhak Rabin

    Zionism without Zion is an empty shell. Jerusalem has, and will always be, in need of those who are unafraid, who are strong enough to endure the troubled path and the difficult times. Today Jerusalem needs us, all of us.
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    29th International Women Leaders Conference

    Head of MASHAV Amb Haskel: "I am happy to see a hall filled wall-to-wall with women leaders who have come to Israel from all over the world to learn, together with us and from our experience, how to advance the status of women."
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    PM Netanyahu at special Knesset session in memory of Yitzhak Rabin

    Peace must be anchored in security because it is the foundation for peace. The Palestinians' hope - that one day they will defeat us through the power of the sword - must be denounced. Rabin knew that terror must be fought without compromise.
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    President Rivlin hosts memorial ceremony for Prime Minister Rabin

    We must ensure that the day upon which we remember Rabin's murder, will be a day belonging to all Israel; all its camps, all its sectors, a day of self-examination for the Israeli people, a time of self-examination for Israeli democracy.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with US Secretary of State Kerry

    To generate hope, we have to stop terrorism. To stop terrorism, we have to stop the incitement. It's time that the international community told President Abbas to stop the incitement and hold him accountable for his words and his deeds.
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