Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
  • Press Room
  • Press Room

    Knesset commemorates historic UN speech denouncing “Zionism is racism” resolution

    PM Netanyahu: Resolution 3379 marks an unprecedented moral nadir for the UN, which provided a platform for the libel of racism, turning into an organization that perpetuates the lines of division between states.
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    President Rivlin visits injured victims of Tel Aviv terror attack

    President Rivlin: “I am here to listen and to be together with you - terrorism cannot defeat us.”
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    PM Netanyahu visits murder scene in Tel Aviv

    I am not prepared to accept two States of Israel, a state of law for most of its citizens and a state within a state for some, in which there is no law enforcement and in which there is Islamist incitement, rampant crime and illegal weapons.
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    President Rivlin hosts Christian community leaders

    President Rivlin: We all have a duty, at the beginning of the New Year, and every day, to stand together, and show the world that the conflict in this region is not a war about religion, it is a war against hate.
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    PM Netanyahu's Christmas Greeting

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wishes a very joyous Christmas and a happy new year to Israel's Christian citizens and to Christians throughout the world!
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    MASHAV participates in 5th Annual Development Day Conference

    Conference participants discussed issues relating to Israeli foreign aid and its contribution to boosting Israel’s international standing
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    9th Seminar on Combating Racism, Xenophobia and Antisemitism

    Silence in the face of hatred is meaningful; muteness in face of anti-Semitism is dangerous. We must rise to the occasion of condemning manifestations of hatred and appearances of anti-Semitism, wherever and whenever they appear.
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    President Rivlin addresses WJC Chanukah festival in New York

    President Rivlin: “The light Israel spreads – not just at Chanukah, but every day – will overcome the darkness of extremism, violence, and terrorism”
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    President Rivlin meets US President Obama in the White House

    President Rivlin: We are very grateful for your declaration about the need to fight extremism wherever it is. We have no war with Islam, we have a war with those who use ideas to create extremism and threats to the all innocent people of the world.
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    PM Netanyahu's video address to the Saban Forum

    The terrorists are attacking in California, in Israel, or in Paris. They are attacking the very values that we hold dear - freedom, tolerance, diversity - values that make the bond between the American people and the people of Israel so strong.
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    PM Netanyahu addresses Paris Climate Conference

    The terrorists fail to realize that our common, shared values are the source of our strength - the strength we summon to overcome the pain of our losses, and the strength we summon to defeat the tyranny the terrorists seek to impose on our civilization.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with US Secretary of State Kerry

    Netanyahu: There can be no peace when we have an onslaught of terror. Israel is fighting the forces of terrorism. The entire international community should support this effort. It's everyone's battle. It's the battle of civilization against barbarism.
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    President Rivlin meets with US Secretary of State Kerry

    President Rivlin: All free nations are facing the threat of radical Islam, and all of us must work together against this great evil. At the same time, it does not take away from our duty to find a way to build trust between us and the Palestinians.
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    President Rivlin hosts event marking Chaim Herzog’s historic UN speech

    We will not allow terrorism to dictate our lives; we will neither rest nor be silent until we return the calm to the streets and to all the citizens of Israel.
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    PM Netanyahu speaks with French President Hollande

    Prime Minister Netanyahu expressed Israel's solidarity with France in the fight against terrorism, and said that both the problem and the solution are international.
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