Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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  • Press Room

    PM Netanyahu statement on UNHRC decision

    The UN Human Rights Council has become an anti-Israel circus. It attacks the only democracy in the Middle East and ignores the gross violations of Iran, Syria and North Korea.
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    PM Netanyahu addresses the 2016 AIPAC Policy Conference

    The only way to defeat these terrorists is to join together and fight them together. That's how we'll defeat terrorism – with political unity and with moral clarity. I think we have that in abundance.
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    MFA Dir-Gen Gold arrives in Turkey

    DG Gold thanked his counterpart for the assistance extended by the Turkish authorities. Both noted that there is no justification for any use of violence as a tool to advance a political agenda.
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    Israeli tourists among victims of Istanbul terror attack

    Three Israelis killed, 10 wounded in Istanbul attack. PM Netanyahu: "The key to the moral fight against terrorism is to make it clear that terrorism has no justification anywhere - not in Istanbul or the Ivory Coast or Jerusalem."
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    President Rivlin's statement following the terror attack in Istanbul

    The heart aches for the victims who lost their lives in the horrific terrorist bombing in the heart of Istanbul. More and more innocent people are losing their lives in the shadow of the insatiable terrorism and extremism which plagues the world.
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    Muslim religious leaders from Africa visit Israel

    The delegation numbers nine leading Muslim religious figures from South Sudan, Zambia, Cameroon, Kenya, Rwanda and Ethiopia. Interreligious dialogue holds a central place on Israel's diplomatic agenda in Africa.
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    Israel condemns Iranian missile test fire

    Israel calls on the international community to react firmly and decisively against further Iranian missile launches and Iran's continuing development of ground-to-ground missiles - a violation of UNSC Resolution 2231.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with US Vice President Joe Biden

    PM Netanyahu: I see your visit here as an opportunity for us to further strengthen the partnership between Israel and the US, anchored in common values. Vice Pres Biden: You never need to doubt that the United States of America has Israel's back.
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    President Rivlin meets with US Vice President Biden

    Rivlin: "Terror and hatred drive people apart. The only way forward is to build trust." Biden: "Israelis cannot go on being afraid to go about their lives for fear of being attacked- it cannot and will not be stopped just by physical force."
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    Israel-Africa friendship continues to deepen

    Israel MFA Director General Dr. Dore Gold to visit South Africa
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    PM Netanyahu at Knesset session marking International Women's Day

    Women in Israel are leading in science, law, politics, technology, business, the economy, education, culture, medicine, diplomacy and all other areas of life in the State of Israel.
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    PM Netanyahu attends launch of Knesset caucus for Israel-Africa relations

    Both as Prime Minister and as Foreign Minister, we are making a deliberate African strategy, and I've received an invitation from the President of Kenya and from others to come and visit Africa.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella

    Prime Minister Netanyahu made it clear there will be as few restrictions as possible on cyber technology exports and said that the prosperity of the industry is very important for Israel.
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    President Rivlin receives diplomatic credentials of new Egyptian Ambassador to Israel

    President Rivlin: The peace agreement between our countries is an international treaty and it is for both us, a top priority. We may not agree on everything, but we respect each other and because of this we will build a shared future.
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    President Rivlin meets with US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power

    President Rivlin: You are a bridge between very decisive voices in the world, and we welcome you as one who can bridge gaps and as a real friend.
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