Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
  • Press Room
  • Press Room

    Israel Foreign Ministry Statement on Paris Conference

    Instead of urging an immediate start to direct negotiations without preconditions, the international community submitted to Palestinian demands, allowing them to continue to evade conducting direct bilateral negotiations without preconditions.
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    PM Netanyahu addresses MD degree award ceremony at BIU Faculty of Medicine

    The way to peace does not go through international conferences that seek to impose agreements, make the Palestinians' demands more extreme and peace more remote. The way to peace is via direct negotiations without preconditions between the sides.
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    PM Netanyahu addresses the Knesset in honor of Jerusalem Day

    Since our very beginning as a people, our existence was tied to Jerusalem, and the awareness of this privilege is the cornerstone of our national experience and our Zionist faith.
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    New coalition agreement signed

    My government remains committed to pursuing peace with the Palestinians, pursuing peace with all our neighbors. My policy has not changed. We'll continue to pursue every avenue for peace while ensuring the safety and security of our citizens.
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    Israel provides disaster relief supplies to Sri Lanka

    Friendship between people - but more so between nations - is tested in times of need. We have every intention that this emergency aid would ease the recovery of the areas affected by the floods.
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    President Rivlin addresses Jordanian Independence Day reception

    President Rivlin: "Israel is proud to be Jordan's partner and to stand at Jordan's side, in promoting stability and quiet to our entire region"
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    Major attempt to smuggle contraband to Gaza foiled

    Concealed in a supposedly innocent supply of textiles and jewelry, the cargo was intended for use in various fortification tasks and in the construction of Hamas' underground tunnel network.
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    MFA Dir-Gen Gold inaugurates Israeli pavilion at World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul

    Dr. Dore Gold, Director General of Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, inaugurated the Israeli Pavilion at the first World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul, held under the auspices of the UN Secretary General.
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    MFA transfers ancient sarcophagi covers to ambassador of Egypt

    Dir-Gen Gold expressed the hope that the handing over of these ancient items can be a precursor to further bilateral cooperation in the field of historical heritage, as well as in other fields of mutual interest, to the benefit of both countries.
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    PM Netanyahu speaks with Egyptian President El-Sisi

    On behalf of all citizens of Israel, I would like to send my condolences to Egyptian President El-Sisi and to the Egyptian people in wake of the EgyptAir disaster in the Mediterranean Sea.
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    PM Netanyahu speaks with NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg

    Prime Minister Netanyahu said that Israel and NATO would increase cooperation against both terrorist elements in the Middle East and common threats.
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    PM Netanyahu responds to Egyptian President El-Sisi's remarks

    Israel is ready to participate with Egypt and other Arab states in advancing both the diplomatic process and stability in the region. I appreciate President El-Sisi's work and also draw encouragement from his leadership on this important issue.
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    President Rivlin meets with Ethiopian Orthodox Patriarch Abune Mathias Asratetsion

    President Rivlin: Everyone has to know that there is one God of all of us, and that people who are declaring war in the name of religion are dangerous to all humanity.
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    PM Netanyahu addresses Diplomatic Corps on Independence Day 2016

    PM Netanyahu: I want to state unequivocally and in front of diplomats from around the world: I continue to support two states for two peoples: a demilitarized Palestinian state that recognizes the Jewish state. It's about time.
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    PM Netanyahu addresses State Memorial Ceremony for Victims of Terror

    Throughout our history, each generation has suffered under the hands of murderers, and sadly, each generation knew bereavement and orphanhood, despair and grief. Each generation was charged with withstand the test, and all generations survived.
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