Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
  • Press Room
  • Press Room

    President Rivlin meets with NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg and visits Antwerp

    President Rivlin: The whole free world faces the threat of extremism, of hatred, and of the terrorism and violence this brings. This lack of stability poses a danger to us all and makes our close cooperation, not just important, but essential.
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    PM Netanyahu Meets with CTBTO Executive Secretary Zerbo

    PM Netanyahu: The State of Israel supports the treaty and its goals; the issue of ratification depends on the regional context and the appropriate timing.
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    US-Israel Strategic Dialogue held in Jerusalem

    The delegations discussed a full range of security matters, including shared threats, opportunities for regional cooperation, and other regional issues, including Iran.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with US Deputy Secretary of State Blinken

    The worldwide problem of rampant barbarism attacks all our societies, and I think the civilized nations must band together. We should not only cooperate on fighting terror, but cooperate on other matters as well, such as technology and trade.
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    Shahar Sadeh

    Environment in Israel, Environmental politics, Environmental Peace-building, Environmental History of Israel, Environment and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Sustainable Development and the Israeli-Arab conflict
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    Shahar Sadeh

    Environment in Israel, Environmental politics, Environmental Peace-building, Environmental History of Israel, Environment and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Sustainable Development and the Israeli-Arab conflict
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    PM Netanyahu: We stand together with the LGBT community

    This wasn’t merely an attack on the LGBT community; it was an attack on all of us. Radical Islamist terror makes no distinction between shades of infidel. We will not be terrified into submission. We will fight back. And we will triumph.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with NATO member state ambassadors

    The indiscriminate, systematic attack on innocent people must always be confronted and must always be fought. The act is evil and is perpetrated by people with evil designs, and we, the people of the civilized world, have to band together to defeat it.
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    PM Netanyahu's statement on Orlando attack

    PM Netanyahu extended Israel’s deepest condolences to the American people following the horrific attack on the LGBT community in Orlando.
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    President Rivlin expresses condolences following the attack at Florida nightclub 12 June 2016

    This attack against the LGBT community in Orlando is as cowardly as it is abhorrent. The Israeli people stand shoulder to shoulder with our American brothers and sisters in the moral and just fight against all forms of violence and hatred.
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    Israeli leaders send condolences to the American people and to the families of victims of the Orlando massacre

    President Rivlin: This attack against the LGBT community in Orlando is as cowardly as it is abhorrent. The Israeli people stand shoulder to shoulder with our American brothers and sisters in the moral and just fight against violence and hatred.
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    President Rivlin's statement regarding terror attack in Tel Aviv

    The struggle against terrorism is difficult and long, but the State of Israel will not be disheartened. There will be no resurgence of terror, and we will relentlessly pursue the perpetrators.
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    PM Netanyahu convenes the Security Cabinet

    Security Cabinet ministers were updated on intelligence and operational activity by the security services over the past 24 hours. They were also updated on – and held a discussion about – the actions being taken by the security establishment.
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    MFA Dir-Gen Gold’s letter following the Tel Aviv terror attack

    Palestinian willingness to forego terror and violence is the key to achieving peace.
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    Hamas militant active in tunnels captured in joint security forces operation

    His investigation revealed high value information about Hamas's operations in the northern Gaza Strip, especially its attack tunnels.
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