Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
  • Press Room
  • Press Room

    President Rivlin and PM Netanyahu issue statements on the passing of Elie Wiesel

    President Rivlin: Elie Wiesel was one of the Jewish people’s greatest sons, who touched the hearts of so many, and helped us to believe in forgiveness, in life, and in the eternal bond of the Jewish people.
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    Prime Minister's Office response to the Quartet report

    Israel welcomes the Quartet’s recognition of the centrality of Palestinian incitement and violence to the perpetuation of the conflict. This culture of hatred poisons minds and destroys lives and stands as the single greatest obstacle to peace.
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    PM Netanyahu holds security consultation with DM Liberman

    "The Palestinian leadership must clearly and unequivocally condemn this vicious murder and take immediate action to stop the incitement"
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    PM Netanyahu addresses US Ambassador’s Independence Day reception

    We will always fight the terrorists. We will fight their despatchers; we will fight the inciters; we will fight the sponsors. You do battle with terrorism by fighting the terrorists and those who back them.
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    President Rivlin sends condolences to Turkish President Erdoğan

    This cowardly, murderous act is an example of the most vitriolic hatred the like of which we are sadly seeing across our region and the entire world today.
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    PM Netanyahu: Israel strongly condemns yesterday's terrorist attack in Istanbul

    Israel strongly condemns yesterday's terrorist attack in Istanbul. All civilized nations must stand together to fight the scourge of terrorism.
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    Security Cabinet approves agreement with Turkey

    The Security Cabinet approved the agreement between Israel and Turkey.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with UN Secy.-Gen. Ban Ki-moon

    I ask you to use your standing to help return home our soldiers and citizens held by Hamas in Gaza. It's a humanitarian position and elementary humanitarian requirement that Hamas is, of course, throwing to the wind.
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    President Rivlin meets with UN Sec. Gen. Ban Ki-moon

    There is growing cooperation between Israel and many of our neighbors, which shows, I believe, a regional desire to bring an end to the conflict with the Palestinians.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with US Secretary of State Kerry in Rome

    PM Netanyahu: We discussed not only American-Israeli security cooperation, but security cooperation in a larger regional context - how to advance the process with the Palestinians, as well as regional implications for stabilizing the Middle East.
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    PM Netanyahu's statement at his press conference in Rome

    The world and the Middle East are in turmoil, and we are creating create centers of stability in this unstable region. We are doing so with our close neighbors, and with Greece and Cyprus. We are doing so with Russia. We are also doing so with Turkey.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Cisco Chairman Chambers

    The two signed a declarative memorandum of understandings between the Government of Israel and Cisco regarding cooperation in order to advance digitization in Israel.
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    PM Netanyahu to submit plan to strengthen economic ties and cooperation with Africa

    The African continent constitutes vast potential for Israel in very many areas. Many countries are seeking to open their gates to Israel and we will realize this desire for their benefit and for the benefit of the State of Israel.
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    Statement from PM Netanyahu's Bureau on Mahmud Abbas' remarks

    In Brussels Abu Mazen showed his true face. Someone who refuses to meet President Rivlin and Prime Minister Netanyahu for direct negotiations and spreads a blood libel in the European Parliament falsely claims that his hand is extended in peace.
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    Israel and the US sign operative cyber defense cooperation agreement

    The declaration refers to efforts by the two countries regarding aspects of managing cyber events, the cyber defense of critical infrastructures, building partnerships with the private sector and research and development.
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