Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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  • Press Room

    PM Netanyahu comments on a video in which a Palestinian father calls on soldiers to shoot his son

    PM Netanyahu: I've just watched a video that shook me to the core of my being. In just a few seconds, it shows why our conflict persists.
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    Ceremony at the Rio Olympic Village honors Israelis killed at the Munich Olympics

    A commemorative monument was inaugurated in remembrance of the 15 dead in all modern Olympic Games, including the 11 Israeli athletes murdered in the terrorist attack at the Munich Olympics in 1972.
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    President Rivlin and PM Netanyahu address Egyptian National Day reception hosted by Egypt’s Ambassador to Israel

    PM Netanyahu: We welcome the efforts to advance peace by President a-Sisi, and we welcome the effort to incorporate other Arab states in this larger effort of a broader peace between all the peoples of the Middle East.
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    MFA Dir-Gen Gold on the Palestinian move to sue Britain for issuing the Balfour Declaration

    This initiative demonstrates yet again the continuing refusal of the Palestinian side to recognize the legitimate and indigenous connection of the Jewish people to their ancient homeland.
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    PM Netanyahu condemns murder of French priest

    ISIS proved once again that there is no limit to its barbarism. This horrific terror attack will only further unite the civilized world. Together, we will vanquish this evil.
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    PM Netanyahu addresses the official memorial ceremony for Benjamin Ze’ev Herzl

    Herzl's words continue to guide us. Israel is a beacon of enlightenment and progress in the heart of the turbulent Middle East. We are not perfect, but there are none more enlightened or better than us at meeting the tasks and threats directed at us.
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    President Rivlin meets with newly appointed Custos of the Holy Land, Father Francesco Patton

    Commenting on the terror attack in France, President Rivlin stated: "This attack shows the true face of the brutal nature and the horror of terrorism. The whole free world must understand that our values are under attack."
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    PM Netanyahu calls on Arab citizens to increase participation in Israeli society

    I am proud of the role Arabs play in Israel's success; I want you to play an even greater role in it.
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    MFA Dir-Gen Dr. Dore Gold met with Chad President Idris Deby Itno

    The two leaders discussed topics of mutual interest to both countries, including ways to deepen bilateral cooperation between them.
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    Statement from PM Netanyahu's Bureau on Munich Shooting

    Israel stands alongside Germany on this sad day.
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    Israel's ninth president to launch the Peres Center for Peace and Innovation

    Former president Shimon Peres will announce the launching of the Israeli Innovation Center alongside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Reuven Rivlin.
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    Israel and Republic of Guinea sign agreement renewing diplomatic ties

    Guinea and Israel are countries with a very long friendship, persisting even through the years without diplomatic relations. Israel is ready to share its experience and abilities for the good of Guinea's development needs in a wide range of areas.
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    Israel's response to events in Turkey

    Israel respects the democratic process in Turkey and looks forward to the continuation of the reconciliation process between Turkey and Israel
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    PM Netanyahu: "Israel condemns in the strongest terms last night's horrific attack in Nice."

    Israel condemns in the strongest terms last night's horrific attack in Nice. Israelis stand united with the people of France today. We join you in mourning those who were killed and wish a speedy recovery to the wounded.
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    President Rivlin sends letter of condolence to French President Hollande

    Israel stands with France and the Israeli people stand with the French people, shoulder to shoulder in the face of this terrible evil, as should the whole free world.
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