Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
  • Press Room
  • Press Room

    Statement from the PM's Bureau

    At his meeting with President Obama, Prime Minister Netanyahu intends to discuss the challenges and opportunities in the Middle East as well as the way to advance peace and security.
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    Statement by PM Netanyahu on the new security Memorandum of Understanding between Israel and the United States

    The agreement will assist us in continuing to build up our military strength and in continuing to improve our missile defense. This is of course a very important achievement for the State of Israel, and Israeli citizens can rightly be proud of it.
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    Israel and the US Conclude New MOU on Security Assistance

    This MOU constitutes the single largest pledge of assistance in U.S. history.‎
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    President & First Lady Rivlin host spouses and partners of diplomats serving in Israel

    Israel and the whole world face many challenges, but with you, our friends, standing by our side, we can and we will overcome them.”
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    Israeli leaders extend Eid al-Adha greetings to Israel's Muslim and Druze citizens

    PM Netanyahu: On the holiday we cherish values that the Jewish faith also sanctifies: Fear of Heaven, family and helping one's fellow. This is an additional example of the many things that unite us in our lives together in the State of Israel.
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    President Rivlin hosts delegation of senior WJC leadership

    We have created a range of projects to build together a shared future, a shared hope. This is a challenge which goes to the very heart of our lives here, to the very heart of Zionism, and to the very heart of the survival of the State of Israel.
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet Meeting

    Today we mark 15 years since the terrorist attacks on 9/11. We stand with our greatest ally, the United States of America, and with other partners in the battle against militant Islamic terrorism. Our memories are long, our determination is boundless.
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    Cabinet communique

    Today we mark 15 years since the terrorist attacks on 9/11. We stand with our greatest ally, the United States of America, and with other partners in the battle against militant Islamic terrorism. Our memories are long, our determination is boundless.
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    Israel condemns North Korean test

    The nuclear test conducted by North Korea contradicts international norms and Security Council resolutions.
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    When Buddha met Abraham: Interfaith conference to be held in Jerusalem

    The first conference between the spiritual leaders of the major eastern faith traditions and Judaism is intended to provide a framework of dialogue on the growing strategic, political and economic ties between Israel and Asia.
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    Excerpts from PM Netanyahu's remarks at a joint press conference with Dutch PM Rutte

    I am prepared to meet with Abu Mazen at any time for direct talks without preconditions. The main question is, of course, whether Abu Mazen is prepared to meet without preconditions?
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Russian Special Envoy Bogdanov

    The Prime Minister presented Israel's position that he is always ready to meet with President Abbas directly and without preconditions.
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    PM Netanyahu opens school year at "Tamra Haemek" public elementary school

    PM Netanyahu: I want you to be whatever you want to – and are able to – be. I want you to be loyal citizens, integrated into the State of Israel; this is your state.
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    Statement on UN Middle East envoy's remarks to the UNSC

    The obstacle to peace is the unending attempt to deny the Jewish People's connection to parts of their historic land and the obdurate refusal to recognize that they are not foreigners there.
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    Israel and the World Vision and UNDP Cases

    Since the indictments filed against UNDP and World Vision personnel on their involvement in Hamas terror activities, relevant information has been conveyed, through various channels, to the countries involved in the humanitarian activity.
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