Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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  • Press Room

    Statements by US Leaders on the death of former President Peres

    President Obama: A light has gone out, but the hope he gave us will burn forever. Shimon Peres was a soldier for Israel, for the Jewish people, for justice, for peace, and for the belief that we can be true to our best selves.
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    Shimon Peres, Israel's 9th President, Passes Away

    A visionary and a dreamer, Peres loved the State of Israel and its people immensely, and served them with great pride throughout his entire life.
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    World leaders send condolences to the people of Israel following the passing of Shimon Peres

    President Rivlin addresses conference of OECD Education Ministers

    President Rivlin: We need to increase a sense of positive identity - which is important for each community - and at the same time insist on teaching understanding about the different people and groups living here.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump

    Prime Minister Netanyahu discussed with Mr. Trump issues relating to Israel's security and its efforts to achieve stability and peace in the Middle East.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Democratic Presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

    PM Netanyahu discussed with Secretary Clinton a broad range of issues relating to advancing peace and stability in the Middle East as well as the potential for economic growth through technological innovation.
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    President Rivlin hosts Rosh Hashanah reception for members of the diplomatic corps serving in Israel

    This last year in our region we have seen many die by fire, and when trying to find safety many have died by water. These terrible facts are not the actions of God, they are the evil deeds of man pretending to speak in the name of God.
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    PM Netanyahu holds farewell meeting with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

    The Prime Minister thanked the Secretary General and expressed his appreciation for his integrity. Prime Minister Netanyahu – at this meeting as well – raised the issue of the captives and MIAs.
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    PM Netanyahu addresses the United Nations General Assembly

    I have not given up on peace. I remain committed to a vision of peace based on two states for two peoples. I believe as never before that changes taking place in the Arab world today offer a unique opportunity to advance that peace.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with African heads of state and representatives

    Prime Minister Netanyahu noted that technology changes everything, including in communications, medicine, agriculture and education, and added that Israel could be an amazing partner for their countries.
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    Statements of US President Obama and PM Netanyahu on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly

    PM Netanyahu: Our alliance is an unbreakable bond based on common values, buttressed by common interests and bound by a shared destiny. I want to thank you, Mr. President, for the opportunity to once again discuss how we can shape that destiny together.
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    PM Netanyahu leaves for New York today

    PM Netanyahu will meet with President Obama and personally thank the US President for the security assistance agreement that was signed last week. The agreement expresses the depth of strategic relations and the alliance between Israel and the US.
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks upon departing for the United States

    I will present Israel's case, Israel's truth, Israel's justice and also Israel's heroism – the heroism of our soldiers, our police officers and our citizens, who are waging an uncompromising struggle against brutal terrorism.
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    Terrorist attack at Damascus Gate foiled

    Upon seeing the officers at the entrance to the Damascus Gate, he approached the policeman waving a knife in his hand shouting “Allah Akbar" and attempted to stab them.
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    Cabinet communique

    I would like to thank President Obama, the American Congress and the American people. The support for Israel in the United States crosses political parties and embraces the length and breadth of the United States and finds expression in this agreement.
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