Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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  • Press Room

    PM Netanyahu discusses UNESCO Temple Mount decision

    This absurdity in the theater of the absurd continues, even if with reduced force. But it must be understood that in the end this absurdity that hurts not only historical truth and present truth, but also the UN itself.
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    PM Netanyahu speaks with Italian PM Matteo Renzi regarding UNESCO vote

    Prime Minister Netanyahu appreciates the leadership shown by Italian Prime Minister Renzi as a welcome process of changing direction in extreme votes against Israel in international forums.
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    MFA Spokesman update on UNESCO vote

    The Government of Mexico today (Tuesday, 18 October) requested to change its vote from supporting the decision to abstaining.
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    Deputy FM Hotovely's response regarding UNESCO's decision

    The Executive Board of UNESCO has disgraced its international mandate in this politicized and distorted resolution.
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    PM Netanyahu statement following today’s UNESCO decision

    To say that Israel has no connection to the Temple Mount is like saying that China has no connection to the Great Wall of China. With this absurd decision, UNESCO has lost the modicum of legitimacy it had left.
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    International parliamentarians to participate in conference on the liberation and unification of Jerusalem

    In order to gain a better understanding about the history Jerusalem, the MPs will take a geopolitical tour of Jerusalem and participate in a special panel hosted by Israeli MKs who serve as members in the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus.
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    MFA statement on building housing units in Shilo

    The housing units approved in Shilo do not constitute a “new settlement.” This housing will be built on state land in the existing settlement of Shilo and will not change its municipal boundary or geographic footprint .
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    PM Netanyahu's Rosh Hashanah greeting

    On this Rosh Hashanah, I ask Jews around the world to remain hopeful and continue pursuing justice and truth. This is the story of the Jewish people. This is the story of the State of Israel.
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    President Rivlin’s Rosh Hashanah greeting

    In his Rosh Hashanah greeting to the Diaspora, President Rivlin stresses challenges facing Jewish leaders, calls for greater engagement with Israel among the younger generation
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    PM Netanyahu's eulogy at the funeral for Shimon Peres

    In a turbulent Middle East, peace will not be achieved other than by preserving our power. But power is a means to an end; to promote progress, prosperity and peace – for us, for the nations of the region and for our Palestinian neighbors.
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    President Reuven Rivlin’s eulogy at the funeral of Shimon Peres

    As one man you carried an entire nation on the wings of imagination, on the wings of vision. Yet, you were not only a man of vision, you were a man of deeds.
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    Shimon Peres’ Funeral: An important update for members of the press

    Important update for journalists arriving in Israel independently who are planning to attend Shimon Peres’ funeral
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    President Rivlin expresses deep sadness on the passing of Shimon Peres

    There is not a chapter in the history of the State of Israel in which Shimon did not write or play a part. As one man, he carried a whole nation on the wings of vision.
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks at the start of the special Cabinet meeting in memory of Israel's ninth President, the late Shimon Peres

    Shimon Peres was among our greatest leaders, who left behind him a long trail of unique achievements. On behalf of the entire Jewish People, the citizens of Israel and the Government of Israel, I convey deep condolences to Shimon's family.
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    PM Netanyahu’s statement on the passing of Shimon Peres

    Shimon Peres has departed from us, but he will never depart from our hearts and from our memories. His name will be forever engraved in the story of the rebirth of the Jewish people.
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