Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
  • Press Room
  • Press Room

    President Rivlin receives diplomatic credentials from new Ambassadors from France, Canada, Guatemala, Turkey, and Cambodia

    New ambassadors from France, Canada, Guatemala, Turkey, and Cambodia today presented their Letters of Credence to President Reuven Rivlin at a formal ceremony at the President's Residence in Jerusalem.
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    President Rivlin receives diplomatic credentials of new Ambassador of Turkey to Israel

    ​President Rivlin: Our friendship goes back in history, and I hope that the reconciliation and the appointment of new ambassadors will open a new and promising page in this relationship.
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    Israel condemns the reprehensible terrorist attack at the Coptic cathedral in Cairo

    Israel shares in the grief of the families of the victims and of the Egyptian people.
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    Israel condemns the reprehensible terrorist attack at the Coptic cathedral in Cairo

    Israel shares in the grief of the families of the victims and of the Egyptian people.
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    PM Netanyahu, Cypriot President Anastasiades and Greek PM Tsipras hold trilateral summit

    Relations between the three countries are strategically important for strengthening stability and establishing a regular framework for countries with common interests.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Honduran President Orlando Hernandez

    Pursuant to existing bilateral agreements regarding security cooperation and the protection of classified documents, the sides decided to increase cooperation and tighten links.
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    PM Netanyahu, Cypriot President Anastasiades and Greek PM Tsipras hold trilateral summit

    Relations between the three countries are strategically important for strengthening stability and establishing a regular framework for countries with common interests.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Honduran President Orlando Hernandez

    Pursuant to existing bilateral agreements regarding security cooperation and the protection of classified documents, the sides decided to increase cooperation and tighten links.
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    PM Netanyahu speaks with French President Hollande

    Israel will not attend an international conference, which will not contribute to achieving peace.
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    PM Netanyahu speaks with French President Hollande

    Israel will not attend an international conference, which will not contribute to achieving peace.
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    Convicted terrorist Barghouti chosen to head Fatah Central Committee

    In choosing Barghouti, Fatah is radicalizing the culture of incitement and terror and giving its blessing to a convicted terrorist. His election amplifies the culture of hatred and only serves to alienate prospects of peace.
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    Excerpt from PM Netanyahu's remarks at the state memorial ceremony for David Ben-Gurion

    Our military force must be strong enough to repel any foe. It must be capable of taking the war to the enemy's territory and it must be capable of threatening the annihilation of whoever threatens to annihilate us.
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    Convicted terrorist Barghouti chosen to head Fatah Central Committee

    In choosing Barghouti, Fatah is radicalizing the culture of incitement and terror and giving its blessing to a convicted terrorist. His election amplifies the culture of hatred and only serves to alienate prospects of peace.
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    Excerpt from PM Netanyahu's remarks at the state memorial ceremony for David Ben-Gurion

    Our military force must be strong enough to repel any foe. It must be capable of taking the war to the enemy's territory and it must be capable of threatening the annihilation of whoever threatens to annihilate us.
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    President Rivlin addresses Jewish media summit in Jerusalem

    President Rivlin: “If you face anti-Semitism - it is the duty of the State of Israel to stand by you. And when we face anti-Zionism - which is also anti-Semitism - you have a duty to stand with us.”
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