Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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  • Press Room

    PM Netanyahu condemns assassination of Russian ambassador to Turkey

    PM Netanyahu: Israel condemns the brutal assassination of Ambassador Andrey Karlov this evening in Ankara
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev

    I view our relations with Kazakhstan as being part of the great change that the world is waiting for; not the forces of intolerance, the forces of tyranny, the forces of terror but the forces of progress and of amicability and of friendship.
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    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with Kazakh Prime Minister Bakytzhan Sagintayev

    PM Netanyahu: I think it's a welcome message to all of humanity when you see Kazakhstan, a Muslim country, and Israel, a Jewish country in such great friendship cooperating for the future of our peoples.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev

    I view our relations with Kazakhstan as being part of the great change that the world is waiting for; not the forces of intolerance, the forces of tyranny, the forces of terror but the forces of progress and of amicability and of friendship.
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    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with Kazakh Prime Minister Bakytzhan Sagintayev

    PM Netanyahu: I think it's a welcome message to all of humanity when you see Kazakhstan, a Muslim country, and Israel, a Jewish country in such great friendship cooperating for the future of our peoples.
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    PM Netanyahu to visit Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan

    PM Netanyahu will discuss, with the Azerbaijani and Kazakh presidents, regional issues as well as diplomatic, security and economic matters.
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    PM Netanyahu leaves on diplomatic and economic visit to Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan

    Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan are two large and significant countries in the Islamic world and our goal is to strengthen diplomatic, security and economic relations with them.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Azerbaijan President Aliyev

    PM Netanyahu: The friendship and the partnership between Israel and Azerbaijan are not only good for both our countries and both our peoples, I think it’s good for the region and good for the world.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with members of the Azerbaijan Jewish community and visits Martyrs Lane memorial site

    PM Netanyahu: Relations with Azerbaijan are very close. They will be even better after this visit.
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    PM Netanyahu leaves on diplomatic and economic visit to Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan

    Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan are two large and significant countries in the Islamic world and our goal is to strengthen diplomatic, security and economic relations with them.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Azerbaijan President Aliyev

    PM Netanyahu: The friendship and the partnership between Israel and Azerbaijan are not only good for both our countries and both our peoples, I think it’s good for the region and good for the world.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with members of the Azerbaijan Jewish community and visits Martyrs Lane memorial site

    PM Netanyahu: Relations with Azerbaijan are very close. They will be even better after this visit.
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    PM Netanyahu to visit Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan

    PM Netanyahu will discuss, with the Azerbaijani and Kazakh presidents, regional issues as well as diplomatic, security and economic matters.
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    President Rivlin receives diplomatic credentials of new Ambassador of Turkey to Israel

    ​President Rivlin: Our friendship goes back in history, and I hope that the reconciliation and the appointment of new ambassadors will open a new and promising page in this relationship.
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    President Rivlin receives diplomatic credentials from new Ambassadors from France, Canada, Guatemala, Turkey, and Cambodia

    New ambassadors from France, Canada, Guatemala, Turkey, and Cambodia today presented their Letters of Credence to President Reuven Rivlin at a formal ceremony at the President's Residence in Jerusalem.
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