Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
  • Press Room
  • Press Room

    PM Netanyahu speaks with Russian President Putin

    The two leaders discussed developments in the region, with emphasis on Syria and continued security coordination in this sphere.
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    President Rivlin sends greetings for the civil New Year

    ​There is no ignoring the fact that 2016 was a very difficult year. Bloodshed and terror have led to much misery and loss. After a year of so many highs and lows, let’s make 2017 a year of mutual respect, between people, and between nations.
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    PM Netanyahu's statement in response to US Secretary of State Kerry's speech

    Palestinian rejection of Israel and support for terror are what the nations of the world should focus on if they truly want to advance peace, and I can only express my regret and say that it's a shame that Secretary Kerry does not see this simple truth.
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    President Rivlin addresses annual reception for Christian leaders

    United Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel and so it will remain. There is no international body with the power to revoke this. The State of Israel is deeply committed to ensure the religious rights of all faiths in Jerusalem and throughout Israel
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks at the launching of the Galilee development plan

    Israel is a country with national pride and we do not turn the other cheek. This is a responsible, measured and vigorous response, delivered in a way that makes it clear to the nations of the world that what was done at the UN is unacceptable to us.
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    PM Netanyahu statement on Russian plane crash

    PM Netanyahu's remarks at the Chanukah candle lighting at the Western Wall

    "I did not plan to be here this evening but in light of the UN resolution I thought that there was no better place to light the second Chanukah candle than the Western Wall."
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    Israel responds to UNSC resolution

    Israel rejects this shameful anti-Israel resolution at the UN and will not abide by its terms.
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    Statement by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on proposed UN Security Council resolution

    "Peace will come not through UN resolutions, but only through direct negotiations between the parties".
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    WHO awards Israel 1st International Emergency Medical Team

    The World Health Organization has granted Israel's Emergency Medical Team and Israel's field hospital the highest rank in the world.
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    Israel condemns apparent terrorist attack in Germany

    Terror is spreading everywhere and can be stopped only if we fight it. We will defeat it, but we will defeat it much quicker if all free nations under attack unite.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Swaziland PM Dr. Barnabas Sibusiso Dlamini

    The two leaders discussed the expansion of bilateral cooperation in the fields of water, education, agriculture, health and security in the context of the expansion of Israel's links with Africa and the deepening of relations with African countries.
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    President Rivlin sends letter of condolence to President Putin

    President Rivlin: This attack on an Ambassador is an assault on our very ability to find diplomatic paths and channels towards solutions to conflicts.
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    President Rivlin speaks by telephone with German President Gauck

    Even at such times of tragedy and heartbreak we strengthen our resolve to stand united and firm against terrorism. Israel stands hand in hand with Germany in the fight against hatred, extremism, and all forms of terror.
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    PM Netanyahu condemns yesterday's terrorist attack in Jordan