Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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  • Press Room

    India and Israel celebrate 25 years of diplomatic relations

    The formal establishment of relations was predicated on the already strong links between the peoples of our two ancient cultures, going back centuries to the Jewish merchants who plied the trade routes to Mumbai, Kochi and the other port cities of India.
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    Interior Minister Deri approves outline to absorb Syrian children

    According to the outline, Israel will be able to absorb approximately 100 orphaned children thus facilitating their rehabilitation in Israel.
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    PM Netanyahu addresses the International Holocaust Remembrance Day Event

    Anti-Semitism, the world's oldest hatred, is experiencing a revival in the enlightened West. The rise of anti-Semitism, the resurgence of anti-Semitism that is happening, and few would have imagined that this would be possible a few years ago.
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    President Rivlin meets with ambassadors to Israel from Asia-Pacific countries

    In the last decade we have increased the trade relationship between our peoples. Today, 27 percent of Israel’s trade is now with the Asia-Pacific. The cooperation is wonderful and we are looking to extend our partnerships with every one of you.
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    China and Israel celebrate 25 years of diplomatic relations

    The establishment of diplomatic relations with China and, a week later, with India, opened up the gates of Asia to Israel, which continues to reap the benefits of these relations up to today.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Croatian PM Plenkovic

    Some of the destabilizing forces in our region are expanding into your region, and we have to fight this militant Islamic terrorism; but we must also achieve an order of balance and stability to allow security and prosperity for our peoples.
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    President Rivlin meets with Croatian PM Andrej Plenković

    During the meeting, President Rivlin stressed the importance of international cooperation in the face of the threat of terror, and similarly in dealing with the changes in the Middle East and the refugee crisis.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Togolese FM Dussey

    PM Netanyahu: I want you to know how glad we are that we are strengthening even further the relations between Togo and Israel. We are absolutely committed to this resurging relationship between Africa and Israel.
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    PM Netanyahu speaks with US President Trump

    The Prime Minister expressed his desire to work closely with President Trump to forge a common vision to advance peace and security in the region.
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    President Rivlin sends letter of congratulations to US President Trump on his inauguration

    The alliance between our states and our nations is not solely based on friendship. It is rooted in our shared values and longstanding commitment to freedom, liberty, and democracy - the foundation stones of our societies.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with outgoing US Ambassador Dan Shapiro

    The Prime Minister thanked Ambassador Shapiro for years of joint work and for his contribution to the strategic and important alliance between the US and Israel.
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    Israel and Holy See hold BPWC negotiations and bilateral dialogue

    The Plenary welcomed the progress accomplished at the working level regarding the Bilateral Permanent Working Commission negotiations, and is pleased that they continue in a thoughtful and constructive atmosphere.
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    PM Netanyahu comments on event in the south

    The State of Israel is, above all, a nation of law in which there will be equal enforcement. Not only will this incident not deter us, it will strengthen us. It will strengthen our determination to enforce the law everywhere.
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    President Rivlin meets Muslim leaders from Indonesia

    We have no war with Islam. We believe in Israel as a democratic and Jewish state – not democracy only for Jews, but democracy for everyone.
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    President and First Lady Rivlin host state dinner for the President and First Lady of Poland

    Your visit to Israel is another link in the chain of close ties between Poland and Israel, which is looking to the future in the ongoing, direct, and multidisciplinary cooperation between Israel and Poland, between Israel and the European Union.
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