Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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  • Press Room

    PM Netanyahu Meets with Chinese President Xi Jinping​

    "We have made great strides in the 25 years that we’ve had this friendship. We have come a long way on cooperation about economic possibilities, about the betterment of life,” said PM Netanyahu.
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    House Resolution 201

    ‘Expressing support to the Government of Argentina for its investigation into the terrorist bombing of the Embassy of Israel in Buenos Aires on March 17, 1992.’
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    PM Netanyahu pays official visit to China

    The visit follows an invitation by Chinese President Xi Jinping and will mark 25 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.
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    President Rivlin departs for State Visit to Vietnam

    We hope that over the course of this visit we will be able to advance in a very significant way efforts toward the signing of a free trade agreement between Israel and Vietnam, and to the strengthening of the firm friendship between our peoples.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with US Special Representative Jason Greenblatt

    In addition to discussing how to achieve progress in the coming months, the two discussed concrete measures that could help support and advance Palestinian economic development.
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    New air transport agreement between Argentina and Israel

    The Director General of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Argentina’s foreign minister signed the new air transport agreement
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks following his meeting with Russian President Putin

    I made it clear that regarding Syria, while Israel is not opposed that there should be an agreement there, we strongly oppose the possibility that Iran and its proxies will be left with a military presence in Syria under such an agreement.
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    President Rivlin meets UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson

    The two spoke at length about the history of the region, as well as more recent developments, and the hopes for a resolution to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.
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    PM Netanyahu speaks with US President Trump

    The two leaders spoke at length about the dangers posed by the nuclear deal with Iran and by Iran's malevolent behavior in the region and about the need to work together to counter those dangers.
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks at the White House

    Let us seize this moment together; let us bolster security; let us seek new avenues of peace; and let us bring the remarkable alliance between Israel and the United States to even greater heights.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Israel's ambassadors to African countries

    The pyramid of our foreign policy interests in Africa is as high as it has ever been.
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    PM Netanyahu instructs the MFA to reprimand the Belgian ambassador to Israel

    The Belgian government needs to decide whether it wants to change direction or continue with an anti-Israel line.
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    Foreign Ministry DG Rotem will visit Turkey

    The Director General’s visit is intended to enhance the bilateral relations between the two countries and to strengthen diplomatic, economic, cultural and other types of cooperation.
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    PM Netanyahu on Israel-Mexico relations

    I've had a long, fruitful and very friendly relationship with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto and it will continue.
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    PM Netanyahu to visit Washington

    PM Netanyahu accepted US President Donald Trump's invitation and will visit Washington in February.
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