Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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  • Press Room

    PM addresses joint Knesset-US Congress event

    We see that in this great convulsion that is taking place around us, there is one free city where Christians, Jews and Muslims are free to worship undisturbed, and that's in the free united city of Jerusalem. And that's how it will stay.
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    US delays the American embassy move to Jerusalem

    Though Israel is disappointed that the embassy will not move at this time, we appreciate today's expression of President Trump’s friendship to Israel and his commitment to moving the embassy to Jerusalem in the future.
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    MFA Spokesperson Statement

    Standing strongly against the positive commemoration of terrorists is an essential part of the international effort to eradicate terrorism.
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    Israel condemns the terrorist attack in Egypt

    There is no difference between the terror of the attack in Egypt and that of attacks in other countries. Terror will be defeated more quickly if all countries work together against it.
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    Memorial ceremony - 50 years since the Six Day War

    “History has proven that Israel's security depends on our readiness and our ability to defend ourselves by ourselves against any threat."
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    Czech opposition to UNESCO's anti-Israel bias

    "The parliament in Prague called on its government to respect the status of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and also proposed halting any additional state payment of UNESCO membership..."
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    PM Netanyahu speaks with British PM Theresa May

    PM Netanyahu expressed the condolences of the Israeli people to the citizens of Great Britain in the wake of the awful terrorist attack in Manchester and said that Israel was ready to extend all necessary assistance to the joint war against terrorism
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    PM Netanyahu condemns Manchester terrorist attack

    The Government of Israel strongly condemns last night's awful terrorist attack in Manchester. Terrorism is a global threat and the enlightened countries must work together to defeat it everywhere.
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks at Yad Vashem

    We remember the hatred towards Jews that consumed a defenseless people. We pledge never to be defenseless against that hatred again. And to fulfill that pledge, Israel must always be able to defend itself by itself against any threat.
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks at the Israel Museum

    ​I believe we can advance a durable peace between Israel and its Arab neighbors, as well as the Palestinians, because of the common danger that the Arab world and Israel face from Iran, and because of the leadership that you bring to this process.
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    Israel welcomes US President Donald Trump

    This historic visit to Israel by President Trump and members of his administration, a testament to the two nations' unbreakable bond, offers the opportunity to further strengthen the relationship while promoting stability and prosperity in the region.
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    PM Netanyahu welcomes US President Trump

    Your visit here, Mr. President, is truly historic. Never before has the first foreign trip of a president of the United States included a visit to Israel. Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you for this powerful expression of your friendship to Israel.​
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    President Rivlin welcomes President Trump

    ​President Rivlin: Our destiny – Palestinians and Jews – is to live together in this land. We must build trust and cooperation between us. But in order to achieve this we need new ideas, new energy, that will help us move forward, together.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with US President Donald Trump

    The fact that you've taken a very strong position on Iran not only helps security, but also helps propel the possibility of reconciliation and peace between Israel and the Arab world. And that will help reconciliation between Israel and the Palestinians.
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    Statements by PM Netanyahu and US President Trump

    PM Netanyahu: I want to thank you especially today for your deep commitment to Israel's security, its wellbeing and its future. I have no doubt that as we work together, you and I, the alliance between our countries will grow ever stronger.
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