Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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  • Press Room

    PM Netanyahu’s statement on UNESCO Hebron decision

    ​In the Middle East, mosques, churches and synagogues in every other place, are being bombed – in places that are not Israel. We will continue to protect the Tomb of the Patriarchs, freedom of religion for all and the truth.
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    DFM Hotovely’s statement regarding UNESCO decision

    DFM Hotovely: The decision is a badge of shame for UNESCO, which time after time chooses to stand on the side of lies. Israel will not surrender to historic distortion and will continue the fight against the bias of UN institutions regarding Israel.
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    PM decides to further reduce Israel’s UN dues

    Following the UNESCO Hebron decision, PM Netanyahu has decided to cut Israel’s UN dues by an additional $1 million and to use the funds to bolster Jewish heritage projects in Hebron and Kiryat Arba.
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    PM Netanyahu and Indian PM Modi fly to Haifa and visit Indian WWI cemetery

    The two leaders visited the military cemetery in which Indian soldiers are buried, laid flowers on the soldiers' memorial and unveiled a plaque in memory of the Indian soldiers who fell in the battle to liberate Haifa during WWI.
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    PM Netanyahu and Indian PM Modi attend demonstration of mobile desalination unit

    The Galmobile desalination unit is capable of supplying drinking water for 22,000 people per day. They were briefed by the G.A.L. Ltd managing director and tasted water that had been desalinated on the spot.
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    PM Netanyahu and Indian PM Modi meet with Israeli and Indian CEOs

    PM Netanyahu: Everything will become technologized, just about everything. So those countries that excel in innovation will lead the world. We are making a partnership here, a real one, to excel in innovation for both our peoples and for the entire world.
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    North Korea – warning for Israeli citizens

    The public should be aware that in the event an Israeli citizen encounters any kind of distress during his stay in that country, Israeli representatives will not be able to be of assistance or to provide any response.
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    PM Netanyahu and Indian PM Modi attend special event for the Indian community in Israel

    We are building this future today between us, between our two great democracies, between our two ancient peoples, who believe in the future. It's a partnership made in heaven but it's happening right now here on earth today.
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    PM Netanyahu and Indian PM Modi meet with Moshe Holtzberg

    Prime Minister Netanyahu invited Holtzberg to accompany him on his future trip to India.
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    PM and Indian PM meet with Moshe Holtzberg

    Prime Minister Netanyahu invited Holtzberg to accompany him on his future trip to India.
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    PM Netanyahu meeting with Indian PM Modi

    I have a feeling that today, India and Israel are changing our world and maybe changing parts of the world. Because this is a cooperation, it's a marriage really made in Heaven but we're implementing it here on Earth.
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    PM Netanyahu and Indian PM Modi visit Danziger Flower Farm

    The Danziger Farm named a variety of white chrysanthemum after Prime Minister Netanyahu and Indian Prime Minister Modi.
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    PM Netanyahu and Indian PM Modi visit Yad Vashem and Herzl's Grave

    Israel’s response to the UNESCO decision labeling Israel an "occupying power" in Jerusalem

    This is another absurd and irrelevant UNESCO decision, which serves only the enemies of history and truth.
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    PM Netanyahu hosts Indian PM Modi at the Prime Minister's Residence

    PM Netanyahu: We face common challenges, the first of which is to defeat the forces of terror that rampage through the world and threaten both our countries. We must stand together in this battle, much as we work together to perfect the future.
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