Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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  • Press Room

    Examination regarding the shooting incident in Jordan

    The examination will be monitored by the State Attorney's Office, and in due course consideration will also be given to contacting the Jordanian authorities in the context of the examination
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    MFA statement on investigation of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17

    The State of Israel welcomes the resoluteness of the Joint Investigation Team to shed light on the circumstances of this tragic incident, and ensure accountability.
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    MFA response to statement of the Turkish MFA Spokesperson

    It’s absurd that the Turkish government, which occupies Northern Cyprus, brutally represses the Kurdish minority and jails journalists, should lecture Israel, the only true democracy in the region.
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    MFA response to remarks by the president of Turkey

    The days of the Ottoman Empire have passed. In stark contrast to the past, the government in Jerusalem is committed to security, liberty, freedom of worship and respect for the rights of all minorities.
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    Personnel from the Israeli Embassy in Jordan return to Israel

    Personnel from the Israeli Embassy in Jordan, including Ambassador Einat Shlain and the security guard who was injured last night in a stabbing attack in Amman returned to Israel. All are well.
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    Israeli security officer attacked at Amman Embassy

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and security authorities are working with the Jordanian government over various channels.
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    Israeli security officer attacked at Israeli embassy in Amman

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and security authorities are working with the Jordanian government over various channels.
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    PM Netanyahu expresses deep sorrow over last night's terrorist triple murder in Halamish

    The security forces are doing their utmost to maintain security and, to this end, will take all necessary measures.
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks on Halamish terror attack

    ​The security forces are doing their utmost to maintain security and, to this end, will take all necessary measures.
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    President Rivlin speaks with President Erdogan

    ​President Rivlin stressed that Israel was maintaining and would continue to maintain the status quo at the holy sites, and noted that the steps taken on the Temple Mount were intended to ensure that such acts of terror could not be repeated.
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    Israel - Visegrad Group Joint Statement

    Joint Statement on the occasion of the annual summit of the prime ministers of the Visegrad Group (V4) and the Prime Minister of the State of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu.
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    PM Netanyahu attends Visegrad Group Summit

    I believe that it’s in the interest of Europe, the objective interest of Europe, to cooperate with Israel in these two areas: the fight against terrorism, and technology for the future.
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    PM Netanyahu addresses the economic forum in Hungary

    PM Netanyahu: It makes sense for countries, two countries like ours – Hungary and Israel – that have moved the economy forward on market principles to now join forces on technology and business in general.
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    Israel - Visegrad Group Joint Statement

    Joint Statement on the occasion of the annual summit of the prime ministers of the Visegrad Group (V4) and the Prime Minister of the State of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu.
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    Statements by PM Netanyahu and Hungarian PM Orbán

    “The future belongs to those countries who innovate. Israel is an innovation nation. Hungary is a country with great talents, and we believe that this partnership… is the way to proceed.”​
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