Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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  • Press Room

    PM Netanyahu meets with Azerbaijan President Aliyev

    ​The two met during the World Economic Forum which is taking place in Davos, Switzerland.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with German Chancellor Merkel

    ​PM Netanyahu: "It was an important meeting. We discussed the nuclear agreement with Iran. I also expressed my appreciation for Chancellor Merkel's genuine commitment to the security of Israel." ​
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    PM Netanyahu departs for Davos

    With or without an agreement, our policy is to prevent the terrorist regime in Iran from arming itself with nuclear weapons, which would endanger us, the Middle East and the entire world.
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    PM Netanyahu to leave for the World Economic Forum in Davos

    In Davos, PM Netanyahu will meet with various world leaders and heads of major corporations.
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    President Rivlin meets with US Vice President Pence

    President Rivlin: The Palestinians have to understand that the Jewish people have returned back to their homeland, not as compensation because of the Holocaust, but because it is the land of our forefathers.
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    US Vice President Mike Pence visits Yad Vashem

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara accompanied US Vice President Mike Pence and his wife Karen on their visit to Yad Vashem.
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    PM Netanyahu addresses special Knesset session in honor of US VP Mike Pence

    Let me express our deepest hope that America will continue to be the greatest power in the world. A stronger America means a stronger Israel, and when America and Israel stand together, the forces of freedom, progress and peace will ultimately prevail.
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    PM Netanyahu at the Prime Minister's Residence dinner for US VP Pence

    I share your belief that Iran’s radical regime will ultimately fall, and one day Iran’s people will win the freedom they so justly deserve. And when that day comes, they will remember those who stood with them and those who stood with their oppressors.
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    President Rivlin addresses Israeli ambassadors and diplomatic mission chiefs

    Iran is a danger to the entire free world. European countries should join the US administration and demand an amendment to the agreement with Iran. We must not overlook what Iran is not even trying to hide.
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    PM Netanyahu welcomes US Vice President Mike Pence

    ​PM Netanyahu: "I’ve had the privilege of standing here with hundreds of world leaders and welcoming them to Israel’s capital, Jerusalem. This is the first time that I’m standing when both leaders can say those three words, “Israel’s capital, Jerusalem.”​
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    US Vice President Pence addresses the Knesset

    Vice President Pence: “I have a solemn promise from me to all of Israel: the US will never allow Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon. The Iran nuclear deal is a disaster and the United States of America will no longer certify this ill-conceived agreement.”
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    PM Netanyahu addresses MFA ambassadors conference

    I have a message for Abu Mazen: There is no alternative for American leadership in the diplomatic process. Whoever is not ready to talk with the Americans about peace – does not want peace
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting

    At the meeting with US VP Pence, we will discuss efforts to block Iran's aggression and nuclear program, and advancing security and peace in the region. Whoever aspires to realize these goals knows that there is no substitute for US leadership.
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    Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press

    What I see in India is creativity, ingenuity, the resolve to seize the future. We want to seize it with you. We believe in you. We believe in Bollywood. We believe in India. We believe in the Israel-India relationship.
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    ​PM Netanyahu and Moshe Holtzberg visit Chabad House in Mumbai

    PM Netanyahu: "I am very moved to be here with you Moshe. The Jewish People will continue to prosper thanks to the strength of their faith, their love and their actions which find expression in this house and in the house that Moshe will establish."
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