Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
  • Press Room
  • Press Room

    Major General Hidai Zilberman

    President Rivlin meets with US President Joe Biden

    President Rivlin emphasized that the Iranian threat is the gravest strategic threat faced by the free world, and that Iran’s policy, particularly after the recent elections, is dangerous and extremist.
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    FM Lapid meets with US Secretary of State Blinken

    FM Lapid: “There is no relationship more important to Israel than the United States of America. There is no friend more loyal to the United States than Israel."
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    Israeli delegation departs to assist in Miami

    The delegation's mission is to assist in the life-saving efforts by mapping out the destruction site, assisting the Jewish community in identifying victims and survivors, and supporting the local rescue forces generally.
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    The 36th government of Israel

    ​The new government of Israel, headed by PM Naftali Bennett, was approved in the Knesset with 60 MKs voting in favor, and 59 opposed. Its ministers were sworn in on 13 June, 2021.
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    FM Lapid's speech at the MFA handover ceremony

    Foreign Minister Yair Lapid's speech at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs hand-over ceremony
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    Congratulations President-elect Isaac Herzog

    President Rivlin: The title of ‘first citizen’ and the task of guarding the character of the State of Israel are heavy responsibilities. I have no doubt that you will bear them superbly. ​
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    PM Netanyahu's Speech at the Defense Ministry

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (May 21, 2020), at the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv, made the following remarks:
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    PM Netanyahu Speech on Terror Attack

    Following is an excerpt from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's remarks, today at the main Jerusalem Day ceremony at Ammunition Hill:
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    Ambassador Gilan Erdan : Security Council Speech

    Yom HaShoah

    6 million Jews were murdered by the Nazis in the Holocaust, each one with a name and vibrant life, an entire population destroyed for no reason other than hatred. On Yom HaShaoh, We Remember and will Never Forget.
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    Yom HaZikaron - Israel’s Memorial Day

    ​We invite you to join us as we commemorate Yom HaZikaron - Israel’s Memorial Day for the Fallen Soldiers & Victims of Terror.‬
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    Yom Ha'atzmaut 2021 | #IsraelAt73

    Join the Embassy of Israel & Israel's diplomatic missions across the United States to celebrate Israel at 73! Tune in for special guests, music, and more at our Yom Ha'atzmaut celebration.
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    The Gilman-Israel Scholarship

    The Embassy of Israel to the united States supports more American students of limited financial means to study or intern abroad in Israel through the Gilman Program.
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    In Memory of Ilan Ramon

    Join us for a discussion on February 4 at 11am with former NASA Administrator Charles Bolden and DCM Benjamin Krasna, in honor of Ilan Ramon.
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