Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
  • Press Room
  • Press Room

    PM Netanyahu comments on Prince William's upcoming visit to Israel

    PM Netanyahu: We welcome the announcement of Prince William's visit to Israel. This is a historic visit, the first of its kind, and he will be welcomed here with great affection."
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    Israel MFA DG Rotem's remarks at opening of Israeli-Polish dialogue

    Director General Rotem: "We must make sure that historical truths are preserved, that there be no restrictions on the freedom of research and speech, and that the wide threat of criminalization in this regard is addressed and resolved."
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    High-level Polish delegation to arrive in Israel

    A high-level Polish governmental delegation will arrive in Israel tomorrow to participate in a dialogue with their Israeli counterparts.
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    PM Netanyahu establishes team to formulate a solution for taxes on church properties

    PM Netanyahu and Jerusalem Mayor Barkat have agreed that a professional team led by Minister Hanegbi will formulate a solution to the issue of municipal taxes (which do not apply to houses of worship).
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Brazilian Foreign Minister Aloysio Nunes

    Prime Minister Netanyahu expressed desire to enhance bilateral cooperation and said that Israel is greatly interested in ties with Brazil and believes in their latent potential.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with National Defense College course participants

    It is the strong who survive; you must be capable of defending yourself. My policy is zero trickles. There is no such thing as a trickle or drizzle. We respond immediately. This has not always been the policy but it is proving itself.
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    President Rivlin meets with Brazilian FM Nunes

    The President reiterated Israel’s concerns regarding Iran’s involvement in the region, and their efforts to destabilize the Middle East, and noted that Iran posed a threat to the whole world, especially in their efforts to achieve nuclear weapons.
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    PM Netanyahu awards Public Diplomacy Prize to Prof. Moshe Arens

    We are constantly upgrading our military-intelligence capability. We are constantly striving to ensure our unique advantage and we respond vigorously to any violation of our sovereignty. Whoever hurts us – we will hurt him with great strength.
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting

    President Trump’s decision to move the US embassy to Jerusalem is a great moment for the citizens of Israel and an historic moment for the State of Israel. This will have significant and historic long-range implications.
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    PM Netanyahu comments on President Trump's decision to move the American embassy to Jerusalem

    This is a great moment for the State of Israel. President Trump's decision to move the American Embassy to Jerusalem will make our Independence Day celebration even happier.
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    PM Netanyahu attends induction ceremony for new Nuclear Research Center director

    PM Netanyahu: "You are engaged in establishing the present and ensuring the future of the people of Israel."
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    PM Netanyahu addresses Conference of Presidents

    Our relationship with the United States is an indispensable alliance and it is different from anything else. It is an absolute foundation of our security. We enjoy the support of the American people and it’s actually been growing steadily.
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks at Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon

    ​PM Net​anyahu: "We are fortifying the hospital because this is our basic obligation – to ensure the security of our citizens. "
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    PM Netanyahu welcomes agreement to export Israeli gas to Egypt

    PM Netanyahu: "I welcome the historic agreement that was announced on the export of Israeli gas to Egypt. This will put billions into the state treasury to benefit the education, health and social welfare of Israel's citizens."
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    PM Netanyahu comments on historic decision to recognize the status of Kesim

    PM Netanyahu: "The heritage of Israel is a mosaic of many communities. This community has a special status precisely because it kept this heritage even in complete isolation. I find this moving and close to my heart."
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