Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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  • Press Room

    PM Netanyahu's remarks at the start of the Cabinet meeting

    We are determined to block Iran's aggression against us even if this means a struggle. Nations that were unprepared to take timely action to counter murderous aggression against them paid much heavier prices afterwards.
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    PM Netanyahu to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin

    President Putin invited Prime Minister Netanyahu to join him at the parade for Victory Day over Nazi Germany. The leaders will meet at the Kremlin after the parade.
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    President Reuven Rivlin participates in the the 'Impact for Good' conference in Ethiopia

    President Rivlin: “Israel, together with the Jewish people, is a true partner and friend of Ethiopia, and Africa. We are all here together because we know that change and impact can only be done through partnerships.”
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    Israel condemns Chairman Abbas' Holocaust statements

    National leadership driven by such an ideology is unacceptable, and the shockingly anti-Semitic statements expressed repeatedly by the Chairman of the Palestinian Authority cannot and should not be tolerated.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Japanese PM Shinzō Abe

    PM Netanyahu: Iran preserved all of the plans for its nuclear weapons; whoever does not want nuclear weapons does not prepare plans and certainly does not preserve them. The JCPOA is a bad agreement based on Iran's lies and deceit.
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    Japanese PM Shinzō Abe arrives in Israel on an official visit

    Israel and Japan maintain a very good bilateral relationship and cooperate extensively on issues of economy and trade, cyber, science, academia, health and more.
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    PM Netanyahu speaks with world leaders

    PM Netanyahu updated the world leaders in the wake of the exposure of the documents on the Iranian plan to achieve nuclear weapons.
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    PM Netanyahu presents conclusive proof of Iranian secret nuclear weapons program

    PM Netanyahu: This atomic archive clearly shows that Iran planned, at the highest levels, to continue work related to nuclear weapons under different guises and using the same personnel.
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting

    Today we will welcome US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, a true friend of Israel. I will discuss with him developments in the region, Iran's growing aggression and – of course – the nuclear agreement with Iran, about which there will be a decision soon.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

    I think the greatest threat to the world and to all countries is the marriage of militant Islam with nuclear weapons. Iran’s quest for nuclear bombs must be stopped. Its aggression must be stopped, and we’re committed to stopping it together.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Romanian Chamber of Deputies President Liviu Dragnea

    PM Netanyahu: “Thank you for everything you are doing to strengthen our friendship. It is a good friendship. It is getting stronger all the time.”
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    President Rivlin meets with Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila

    The President held a wide-ranging discussion with the Prime Minister on a number of key issues, including the Jewish community in Romania, and the work being done in the Romanian Parliament to promote the community’s well-being.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Romanian PM Viorica Dancila

    PM Netanyahu expressed appreciation for the Romanian government's approval of a draft decision on initiating the transfer of the Romanian Embassy to Jerusalem and welcomed the statements of the president of the parliament in support of the move.
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    Excerpt from PM Netanyahu’s remarks at the Begin Heritage Center

    Israel’s policy has not changed since Begin. Israel will not allow regimes that seek our annihilation to acquire nuclear weapons. I believe that Begin exemplified for us the commitment to defend Israel’s security at all costs.
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks at the start of the special Cabinet meeting

    The establishment of the state created a national center for our people in which there is no assimilation and in which there has been constant growth. It has given us strength. It has infused us with spirit. It ensures our future.
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