Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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  • Press Room

    PM Netanyahu at AIPAC Conf2012

    We are determined to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons; we leave all options on the table; and containment is definitely not an option.
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    Pres Peres meets US Pres Obama

    They discussed ways to prevent Iran from attaining nuclear weapons, advancing the Israel-Palestinian peace process and bilateral diplomatic and security cooperation.
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    Netanyahu: Obama AIPAC speech

    I very much appreciated the fact that President Obama reiterated his position that Iran must not be allowed to develop nuclear weapons and that all options are on the table.
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    Pres Peres statement on Iran

    Peres: A nuclear Iran is a strategic threat, not only to Israel but to the world at large. Iran is a center of moral corruption and it feeds and arms world terrorism.
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    Amb Prosor at UNGA on Syria

    Bashar al-Assad is systematically murdering civilians. It is high time for this organization to start doing something meaningful to stop him from killing his own people.
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    Technion, Cornell NYC Hi-Tech

    ​A partnership between Cornell University and Technion-Israel Institute of Technology will establish a world-class, high-tech graduate school in New York City, Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced.
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    Partition Plan: 65 years later

    On November 29, 1947 the UN General Assembly voted on the partition plan, and UNGA Resolution 181 was adopted by a vote of 33 to 13.
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    Washington Post: Oct. 14, 2011

    Despite repeated Palestinian efforts to isolate us, Israel is not alone. And we have a great many friends, especially in the U.S., who we know would not want to imply that Israel stands alone in a dangerous region.
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    Nobel Chemistry Shechtman

    Technion Professor Dan Shechtman, has been awarded the 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his research on quasicrystals.
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    Medical clowns

    Israel hosts an international congress to show other countries a new model for medical clowning as a recognized hospital therapy.
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    Making biofuel sugar from wood

    The Israeli company HCL Clean Tech is looking to convert wood chips into a high-value feedstock for biofuels and the plastics and chemicals industries.
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    WSJ: September 24, 2011

    Mr. Netanyahu is ready to negotiate today—if only Mr. Abbas is willing. By accepting the Jewish State, the Palestinians can have their own.
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    Forward: September 11, 2011

    On the anniversary of the horrendous attack, Israelis will stand with the people of America and lower our heads in silence.
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    USA Today: August 16, 2011

    Young Israelis, like young Arabs, are stirred by the spirit of change sweeping the region and insist on a better future. But for all the seeming similarities, far more than a single season separates the Arab Spring from the Israeli Summer.
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